Chapter 19:

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"How old are you boo?" I ask Kae.

She holds two fingers up. I smiled. I've been teaching her that all morning.

"Say two." I said holding up two fingers.

"Two." She repeated.

"My baby's two. I'ma cry." I said blinking the tears away that built up.

"Cry baby ass was already crying this morning." Kahron said taking Kae from my arms.

"Shut up." I said hitting his bare chest.

"Happy birthday to my young girl Kaelyn." He said smiling into her face as she grabbed his cheeks smiling back.

"Did you tell Niylah I already got swim diapers for Bre?" I ask as I look through my bikinis and Kae's new swimsuits I just bought.

"Yeah. Since everybody's meeting here she's gonna get her dressed here." I nodded.

"What the fuck is this?" He asks lifting up a thong bikini. "I wish the fuck you would wear that shit."

"Stop." I laughed snatching it from him as he dangled it in the air. "I never wore it and am never gonna wear it. Nee brought that for me after I had Kae talking about ya ass is perfect for it, but never. I refuse to walk around ass bare to the world."

"Exactly, that's only for daddy." He said smacking my ass.

"Nigga move." I laughed pushing him away.

"What's up fuckers?" Mogul said coming into the room picking up Kae swinging her high into the air. "Happy birthday Kae Kae."

"Mogul didn't I say bring the cussing down to a minimum when Kae is around?" I said punching his side.

I let them take Kae for a day she came back saying the f bomb left and right. I called and cussed Mogul out. We all cuss too much and since she repeats almost everything now we gotta stop.

"You and Nee walk around calling each other bitches all day." He said.

"But we stopped when around Kae after she started copying us." I said while putting Kae's swimsuit on.

"You knew better than to put my Kae Kae in a two piece." Mogul said making Kahron chuckle as he laid across the bed because he said the same thing already.

"Mogul if you and Kahron don't get outta here. Bye go open the door." I said shooing him out the room.

"We gonna leave these curls wild since it's gonna get wet anyways." I mumbled to myself messing in her hair. I got her Birthday Girl tiara and put it on to her head.

"My princess Kaelyn." I said kissing her.

She had on a pink tutu swimsuit, her tiara, and some silver sandals.

"Wait Kae let me take a picture." I said standing up to get my phone off the charger.

But of course she didn't stay still she went towards Kahron.

"Ron." Kae called.

"What?" He asks.

"Da Ron."





I rolled my eyes they will literally do this all day just to annoy me, I swear.

"What?" He said lifting her up fast making her squeal laughing.

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