Chapter 4:

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I sucked my teeth as someone continued to knock on the door. I look over at Kae who was still sleep so I got up and headed downstairs to open the door.

"My I'm sorry." Kahron said standing there holding up bags of food.

I rolled my eyes at his goofy ass smile. I stepped back opening the door up wider letting him in.

I headed upstairs with him following me. "I'ma go to the bathroom don't wake Kae up."

After I dried my hands off I walked back in the room hearing Kae giggle. Kahron was lifting her in the air while he laid on his back.

"Really Kahron?"

"Aye she woke up on her own." He said sitting up with her on his lap.

"Yeah, right." I grabbed the bags taking out the drinks and food.

"Tell ya mommy stop being mean to Ron." He said blowing on Kae's cheek making her squeal.

I smiled watching them. They're cute.

"I got her pancakes and you waffles. She can eat that right?"

"Mhmm." I mumbled putting a piece of bacon in my mouth while cutting Kae's pancakes up.

Kae wobbled her little butt to me. I gave her a piece of pancake.

"Dada." She said grabbing my face with both her little hands. I laughed kissing her.

"What you got over there?" I ask sitting Kae between my legs. "Oh can I have a bite?" I said staring at his omelet, fried potatoes, and bacon.

"No greedy ass." He said taking a big bite.

"Kahron." I whine hitting his arm.

Kae laughed trying to do the same, but she couldn't reach him.

"My young girl trying to copy her momma. Don't do that to Ron. I gotta teach her how to say Ron."

"You better not I will kill you if she says that before mama." I said serious, but he only laughed.

"Can she eat this?" Kahron asks pointing to his food as Kae kept trying to dig in his food.

"Yes, Kahron. She can eat mostly anything soft just give her it in small pieces."

"Well shit, I gotta make sure." He said giving her a small bite of his food.

"So what you doing today?" I ask.

"I'm staying right her with my fam."

"That right?" I ask.

"Yup. Problem?"

"Nope." I shake my head.

"Kae you gotta say Ron before you say mama okay? Say Ron, Ron, Ro-" He was cut off by me slapping his head.

"I am not fuckin playing Kahron." I said pointing at his face as he laughed. "I leave for one second and you trying to corrupt my baby."

"Oh so you ain't distracted by ya phone today?" I ask after walking back downstairs after laying Kae down for her nap.

"No smartass." He said pulling me on to his lap. "I told you it's all about yall today and I meant that shit."

"Mhmm." I mumbled.

"Yo these ass and titties came outta nowhere." Kahron said grabbing one of my boobs.

"Stop feeling on me nigga." I said smacking his hand away.

"Nipples all hard." He said rolling his thumb over it.

"Kahron!" I exclaimed pushing his hand away. I did not need to be getting turned on right now, because no, just no, we were not about to go there.

I picked up my phone as it rung. It was a unknown number, but I decided to answer.

"Stop." I said to Kahron as he pushed my hair to the side and started kissing on my neck. "Hello?"

"Where my daughter at?" A voice said through the phone. I had to take the phone from my ear to make sure I heard him right.

"Excuse me? Who the fuck is this?"

"You know damn well who this is. You only got a daughter with one nigga."

"Oh so now she's ya daughter?" I ask.

"Man meet up with me so we can talk." He said, but I was too busy giggling as Kahron licked on my neck. "Yo you fuckin busy or something?" He snapped.

I pushed Kahron's head away. He only smirked biting his lip looking at me.

"Text me when and where and I'll be there." I finally said.

"You gonna bring Kae?"

"Probably not."

"Man come on. Bring her."

"I'll think about it, but you better not be on no bullshit or have nobody with you or you'll lose ya chance before you even get it." I said hanging up before he could reply.

"What's up?" Kahron ask rubbing my thighs.


"He wanna see my young girl?" I nodded. "You gonna let him?"

"If we can come to some type of agreement I have no problem letting him see her. I just want him to be coming around for the right reasons and I don't feel he is. What do you think?" I ask honestly wanting to know his opinion since he never has anything, but my best interest at heart.

He shrugged. "If I had a buck I wouldn't want babymoms keeping it from me for no reason, but then again I would never be on the bullshit ol dude is on. At the end of the day it's your decision."

"You really always support me even with all the bullshit I put you through. I feel like you should hate me." I said rubbing my thumb across his bottom lip.

"I'll never hate ya, couldn't. I told you before the love is always there, will always be there."

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