Chapter 17:

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I sat on the couch in Eric's hospital room. I started not to come, but I did because Tam wanted me to.

He was still sleep since he just had surgery to get the bullet removed from his hip. Luckily it didn't hit anything to cause any permanent damage.

I honestly didn't feel bad, I couldn't bring myself to. I don't and would never wish this upon anybody. I can't lie and say that a small part of me doesn't care tho. Even tho Eric hasn't been shit, he was once a friend, and he's the father of my daughter.

I'm just hoping this is a wake up call for him, because this shit is a sign.

We've been here all damn night and it was now early in the morning. Tam went to get us all some food. Arie was in my arms sleep, while Kae's little ass was up walking around trying to touch shit.

"Kaelyn." I said as she stood in the chair closest to the bed all in Eric's face.

She turned around eyes big. "Shhh, dadda sweep."

I chuckled. "Lil girl."

I shifted in my seat. My butt was hurting and Arie was getting heavy.

"Kae what the hell?" I say as soon as I look back seeing her laying in the bed with Eric, yawning.

Before I could stand up Eric weakly held his hand up. "She's fine."

"Morg-" I cut him off.

"Karma's a bitch ain't it?"

He rubbed his face. "Yeah and that bitch hit me hard, more than once. Look Morgz, I wanna apologize. I'm truly sorr-"

"I don't want an aplogy." I cut him off. "This shit is a sign Eric. I'ma need your ass to wake up, real fuckin quick. You ain't gettin no pitty party from my way. I just want ya ass to man up, be a father to ya daughters. Get a job, a real fuckin job and leave these streets alone. Don't lose ya life in these streets man."

I look towards the door as Tam walks in. Arie woke up climbing from my lap fast seeing her dad was awake.

"Daddy, you okay?" She asks in a whisper while rubbing her eyes. "I was worried."

"I will be lil mama." He says helping her up to lay with him and Kae.

"We're about to go now." I say standing up.

"Can she stay?" Eric asks.

I look from him to where Kae was now sleeping.

"I'll be here and I'll get her back to you when we leave." Tam says.

I sighed. "Fine." I went over and kissed Kae's head and placed her bag back down before saying bye and walking out.

As soon as I got my phone on a charger I called Kahron. It rung until it went to voicemail the first two times, but he was gonna wake his hungover ass up.

"Hello?" He grumbled into the phone.

"Kahron!" I yelled.

He groaned. "Why the fuck are you yelling?"

"Because you're a dummy. And I'm pissed at you!!"

"Mo stop fuckin yelling." I heard him say before I hung up.

I just wanted to make his hangover headache worse on this lovely morning. Tuh.

Now my job is done and I can take me a nap since I've been up all damn night.

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