Part II

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Ron & Mo's before it all ...



"I love your SUV." I said sitting in Kahron's car in the drivers seat while he stood in the doorway.

"You gonna be mine." Kahron said staring at me.

It's been a couple of months since we've become our, something. And Kahron's favorite thing to do is tell me I'm his.

"No. I don't do boyfri-"

"I wasn't asking," He said cutting me off. "I was telling you. I told you, I'ma wear you down."

I blushed, but didn't say anything back.

"Stop, I have a dress on." I said as he kept trying to push my legs open with his knee.

"So?" He said. "I know what she look and taste like."

"You are so damn inappropriate." I said.

"Can I have my kiss now?" He asked.

"No." I said with a laugh.

"Stop." I said pushing Kahron away as he kept trying to kiss me. "No kisses."

"Stop acting like you don't believe in kissing." He said before placing his mouth around my lips sucking them.

"Ew." I laughed wiping my lips.

"Heard you went out last night." He said.

"Mhmm, me and Nee."

"Who said you was allowed to go out?" He asked.

"Boy." I said with a chuckle rolling my eyes. "I'm grown."

"And your grown ass is mine. You coming over tonight?"

"Why?" I ask.

"Watch movies, eat, cuddle, kiss, fuck. You know, the normal."

"Nigga you don't do virgins."

"Come over tonight." He said again.

"I'll think about it." I said getting out of his car now standing in front of him.

"Give me another kiss before I go." He said hugging my waist.

"Kahron, move." I laughed pushing his face away.

"You just missed Shawn's badass kids." Nee said to me.

"Sophia's your little twin." I said about Shawn's daughter.

"Well I am the female version of ugly ass Shawn, but I'm cute." She said making me roll my eyes.

"Bye, don't call my brother ugly." She flagged me off.

"Speaking of brothers, Mogul good?" Nee asked.

"As can be. I'm still waiting for him to call me. I gotta show you what he sent me. You know since my birthday is next week he always has somebody drew something and claim he did it. He gonna write at the bottom, I drew this Morgz so shut the fuck up! Love you YM." I said smiling thinking about it. "I love and miss that crazy nigga."

"I miss his annoying ass too." Nee said.

"He needs to call me already." I said grabbing my phone like it was gonna magically ring.

"He will." Nee said. "What you wanna do today?"

"I don't know." I said.

"Okay we can just cuddle." She said making me laugh.

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