Chapter 5:

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"Yo, yo, yo!" Mogul shouted walking through the door with Michael and Asia behind him.

Kae damn near broke her neck getting off the couch taking off running to Mogul. "Dada!!" She yelled in her baby voice.

"Kae Kae!!" He yelled back picking her up.

I rolled my eyes smiling. They are so damn extra.

I hugged Michael then Asia. "Why does he think that is his child?"

She shrugged. "Girl I don't know, that's your crazy ass brother."

"Baby sis!" Mogul said wrapping his arm around my neck bringing me towards him. I hugged his waist. "So what's up with you and my boy? Heard yall been kickin it."

"We coo." I said simply shrugging.

"Coo enough that we will have another niece or nephew?" Asia asks.

"Fuck no. She's a remade virgin and she's gonna stay that way." Mogul said.

I busted out laughing. "Shut the fuck up, Mogul. Nah tho, no more babies no time soon."

"So you really about to go meet with this nigga?" Mogul asks.

"Yes Mogul."

"I don't like that pussy." He said.

"What's a-"

"Don't even." Asia said shutting Michael up before it could even come out of his mouth.

Mogul laughed as Asia hit him. "You want me to come with you?" He asks.

"You know damn well that is not a good idea." I said shaking my head.

"True probably knock that niggas head the fuck off." He said.

"Whatever I'm about to go tho. Don't let these kids tear my house up. Asia I know you won't, but Mogul don't care."

"Get out Morgz. Me and my bitch got this."

"Ewh, don't call her no bitch."

"I didn't. I said my bitch, there's a different between my bitch and calling her a bitch." I shook my head walking away. I don't got time for Mogul's nonsense.

"Damn you just walk in here late and then don't even have Kae?" Eric asks as I sat across from him in the booth.

"You lucky I even showed the fuck up and no I didn't bring her, we need to talk first and not in front of her."

"Look, I don't wanna beef with you." He said.

"Well wasn't shit civil about the way you called my phone a couple days ago." I said raising my eyebrows.

"So am I gonna be able to see my daughter or what?"

"I don't know, are you? That's on you to decide. She's a year old and you wanna come around now, why? This shit is all so confusing to me because you was a damn good dad to Arie and still are, but you ain't shit when it comes to Kae."

"I had a DNA test on Arie tho. I know for fact she mine." I looked at him sideways.

"One second you all my daughter, my daughter, then the next you don't know if she's yours. You soundin real mothafuckin crazy. Bruh ask for a fuckin DNA test and I got you."

"Well I want a DNA test."

"Coo. Now that takes me back to my first question, why now? Why wait a fuckin year and some change later? You could have asked and received one when she was born, but no, you were nowhere to be fuckin found."

"Well I'm here now."

"You say it like it is okay when it's not. You can't come in and out of her life. Either you are here or you aren't."

"Well when shit get figured out am I gonna be able to take her to spend time with me and Arie?"

"Don't you live with ya babymama? Hell no. She's not going with you anyway because one she doesn't even know you. If you are serious, IF. You can come see her and we can meet up places and you can always see her when Tam has her, but Unique is not allowed around my child."

"I'm not with Unique like that."

"I don't give a fuck. Just as long as you know she's not allowed to be around my daughter."

"And you better not have another nigga around my daughter."

"Eric." I said shaking my head. "You are just another nigga."

I stood up grabbing my bag and phone it was time for me to go. "Oh and I'll do you a favor and set the appointment for the DNA test up and we'll go from there."

"So is it true that nigga Ron back?" He asks grabbing my arm gently to stop me.

"Boy, gone some fuckin where."

"Here." Nee said handing me Kae as soon as I walked through the door. "Her spoiled ass is being a cry baby."

"Yall gonna leave my baby alone, she just sleepy." I said kissing her forehead as she rubbing her eyes. "When yall get here?"

"A lil while ago. Now tell me how things went with dickhead."

I rolled my eyes and begin telling her.


I stared at Mo from across the room as she held a sleeping Kae while laughing with Nee.

"Look at this in love ass nigga." Q said.

"Man, what the fuck ever I love her ass and she ain't going no fuckin where this round." I said as Mo looked my way sending me a smile then went back to her conversation with Nee.

"You tell her yet?" Mogul asks breaking me from my daze.

I sighed. "Nah."

"You better before I do. I hid the shit long enough for you. You my brother, but that's my fuckin baby sis right there." I nodded.

"I'ma tell her."

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