Chapter 14:

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"I love you." Mogul said walking into Kahron's room where I sat eating chips. He had Kae in his arms.

"Um, I love you too." I said side eying him.

"You don't hate me?" He asks.

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because it's my fault, if I would have been there in time-" I waved my hand cutting him off.

"I don't blame you. You didn't make him do that, that was his own fault from his own problems, not anybody elses." He looked at me continuing to look unsure. "Mogul."

"Nah, because if anything extreme was to had happened to you and knowing it was my fault I don't know how I would live with myself." He sighed sitting down.

"Stop Mogul." I said shaking my head. "Just stop. I don't blame you so don't sweat it, I know you would never intentionally put me in harms way." He nodded.

"Put some fuckin clothes on." Mogul said to Kahron as he walked out the bathroom. He had basketball shorts on but no shirt.

"Nigga this my fuckin house." I shook my head at them.

"Ma." Kae whined tapping me.

"What Kae?" I ask. "No, you don't even eat hot stuff stop being greedy." I said as she pointed to my hot cheetos.

"Maaaama." She whined throwing her head into my lap.

"Why is she so damn dramatic?" I ask.

"That's your child for sure." Kahron said.

"I'm not dramatic, a lil crazy, but not dramatic."

"Fuckin give ya niece some. If my daughter want some she can have some." Mogul said. I looked at this nigga like he was crazy.

"Nigga I pushed her outta my fuckin vagina, that's my daughter, and your niece."

"Bruh chill." He said scrunching up his face. "And give me this shit." He said snatching the chips.

"Dada hmm." Kae said standing up quickly holdin her hand out towards Mogul.

"Watch she not eat it." I said.

He broke a lil piece and gave it to her. She stuffed it in her mouth, but then made a face before spitting it out.

"Told you." I said shaking my head.

Kahron came over laying on top of me. "Boy get ya big ass off of me." I said laughing as he kissed on my neck.

"Mogul you wanna keep Kae for awhile?" Kahron asks.

"Fuck no." He said sitting down on the bed "We staying right in this bitch yall ain't allowed to do shit. I told yall she a virgin all over again. Wait yall ain't do shit right?"

"Huh?" I ask as Kahron chuckles.

"I'll lump both of yall shits." Mogul said.

"Ron." Kae whines laying her face on to his back.

"Young girl." He says trying to copy her whining voice.

She sniffs pointing to her mouth as she stuck her tongue out.

"Where ya sippy cup?" He asks she shrugs holding her hands out. "Go get it from ya room." She pouted before getting down to go get it.

"Yo she smart as fuck to almost be two."

"Right, and be trying to act." I shook my head.

She walked back in a minute later with Asia behind her as they both ate cheese curls with her sippy cup in her other hand.

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