Chapter 21:

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"So what are yall having?" I ask Nee and Asia.

They both looked at each other and smiled.

"Ooh you bitches are having boys!" I exclaim. "Now I'm probably gonna have another girl, ugh I hate you bitches."

"Wait, you pregnant?" Nee asks side eying me.

I rolled my eyes. "No. Just saying."

"Mhmm." Asia said.

"I'm not!"

"Okay, damn." They both said at the same time.

"Where's my Kaelyn?" Nee asks.

"With Eric, again. He's bringing her home today tho."

"I'm surprised you ain't have a panic attack yet with all the times Kae been gone." Nee said. "You use to call me in the middle of night and be like I'm going to get my baby about to cry and shit."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes sighing deeply. "I'm getting better."

"Yall seen Aubree lately?"

I nodded. "Yup, all the time. Niylah and Bre are actually coming over here later."

"How old is she now?" Asia asks.

"Five months. She sitting up and everything now. She's starting to look like a mixture of the both of them, but she's still all Kahron." I answer.

"Mama K was like Kahron's not allowed around when I have my grandbaby because all she'll do is cry and cry for him." Asia said.

"She a mess." I shook my head looking at my phone. "Ugh, I want Kahron to come home so I can love him up."

"You just wanna fuck girl." Nee said.

"I can't stand you. We already did that this morning so blah." I laughed.

"I'm not fuckin with Ron's ass anyway because he fired me because Q told him too." Nee said.

"That's because you was still gonna try to work at the club while pregnant." I said.

"Oh what the fuck ever." She said.

"Kahron I miss you." I said into the phone.

"Yo ass been horny a lot lately." He chuckled into the phone.

"I didn't even say I was horny."

"You didn't have to." He said.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Nee and Asia still there?"

"Yeah, I cooked and they're in the kitchen eating."

"Make sure I get some because they greedy as fuck."

"I put you a plate up." I said.

"That's why you my baby, Mo."

"Mhmm. I just love you a lil bit."

"I love you a lil bit too."

"You a pussy." I heard Mogul say in the back around.

"Nigga wasn't you just on the phone boo lovin with Asia? So shut the fuck up."

"Bye, I don't got yall to do." I laughed.

After I got off the phone I looked out the window seeing Eric getting out his car. I opened the door.

"Gimme my baby, I missed her." I said waiting for him to get her out the car.

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