Chapter 20:

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"Kahron why the hell you not answering my calls?" I ask basically yelling as I walk into the club while shifting Kae on my hip. "Play with me if you want and I will blow every club you own the fuc-"

I paused looking up seeing that Kahron was obviously having a meeting and all eyes were on me.

"Prime example. Ironically the boss is talking about professionalism at all times and my crazy ass woman walks in being anything but professional. Thanks babe." Kahron says.

"Oh. Well my bad. They all know my crazy ass and if they don't they'll get to know me. Hey Mike, hey Will." I said to his two top security men.

"What's up Lil Ron?" Will said nodding.

I rolled my eyes. "I always hated yall for giving me that nickname."

"You got a baby and shit now." Mike said nodding towards Kae who struggled to get from my arms to get to Kahron.

"I guess yall can all be dismissed now." Kahron said picking up Kae.

"Yo we going to get some food yall want anything?" Mike asks as everybody else leaves.

"Nah-" Kahron started to say but I cut him off.

"I want something." The fuck I look like turning down food. "Where yall going?"

Kahron sucked his teeth. "She don't need shit. We ain't even staying long, we can get food when we leave."

Mike laughed walking away as I punched Kahron's arm following him to the back to his office.

"You didn't have to come in the way of my food like that asshole."

"Shut up with ya dramatic ass. Kae why you and your mommy so dramatic?"

"Whatever." I mumbled pulling out my ringing phone. I answered seeing it was Eric. "Hello?"

"Can me and Tam get Kae for the weekend?" He asks.

"Why yall always wanna take my baby?" I ask in damn near a whine.

I'm liking that he is around and keeping his word and being there for my baby, but I don't like giving her up.

"No the real question is why the fuck you always hogging her?" He said in a joking tone.

"I'm not use to giving her up. She's usually with me all the damn time."

"Man come on Morgz."

"Ugh, fine. What time?" I ask.

"Whenever." He answers.

"Okay." I say before we hang up.

"My young girl leaving us?" Kahron asks watching Kae play a game on his phone.

"Yes," I pout. "Omg I wanna change my mind. I don't like her away from us."

"The dickhead is finally stepping up and being a dad, let him. I'd hate to fuck him up again for coming in her life then leaving. I rather her be with us too, but she got another family now."

"I hate you." I said rolling my eyes. He's right.

"Why because I'm right?" He asks smacking my thigh while smirking.

"Nigga bye." I grinned rolling my eyes.

"Hold the fuck up. I ain't get no kiss when you walked into this bitch. What the fuck is that? Where my kiss Mo?

"Tiss." Kae said turning her head and lifting to kiss his jaw.

"Aye, see my young girl always got me."

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