Chapter 26:

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"Morgan chill out." Kahron said to me as he held me.

"No, I wanna beat that bitch the fuck up." I shouted blinking my eyes trying to stop the tears that burned my eyes, but it wasn't working. I'm pretty sure my face was red.

After getting off the phone with Eric I have been snapping ever since. I wanted to go over and kill Unique, but Kahron wouldn't let me. We dropped Kae and Bre off with Mama K.

Kahron called everybody over. I don't know why because that is not going to change the fact that I want that bitches head.

We are waiting to hear back from Tam. Kahron hooked them up with the same lawyer that got Mogul off so hopefully he won't do hard time, if he was to do any.

"What the fuck is going on?" Nee asks standing in the doorway. "And who the fuck are we beating up?"

"Y'all ain't beating nobody the fuck up." Q said stepping in behind her.

"What the fuck Q? I told you not to bring her crazy ass." Kahron said.

"She heard you. Soon as you said Mo was snapping she was already out the fuckin door." Q shrugged.

"Fuck that, why the fuck are you holding her Ron? Somebody tell me what the fuck is going on? Why the fuck is my sister snapping and crying?" Nee asks.

"I have a fuckin daughter! We! We have daughters!" I shouted crying. "That unfit ass, sorry excuse for a mom needs her fuckin ass whooped and I'm just the bitch to do it. Arie is a fuckin baby. Nobody deserves to be touched by some strange sick ass pervert."

"Name and address." Mogul said simply.

Mogul was the first one to get here and he has been quiet the whole time which meant he was pissed off about the shit just like the rest of us.

"Already asked." Kahron said. "Eric killed the nigga."

"As he should have." Q said.

"He could have fuckin saved us a piece of that bitch ass nigga." Nee said throwing her arms in the air. "Oh well, I'm due any day now anyway so I guess my son will be here tonight because I'm beating that bitch's ass to-mothafuckin-day, it's over fuckin due."

"Yo ya not doing shit, either of y'all while pregnant." Kahron snapped.

"Let go of me." I said wiping my face.

"Move Ron, let me have her." Nee said pushing him off me. "Let me get her to calm down, move." She said pulling me towards the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet lid placing my face in my hands. "I really wanna kill that bitch."

"If you serious you know sis is always with the bullshit. I already said I'm due any day. I'll be that ratchet hood chick that fights while pregnant today. You don't gotta do shit, but say the fuckin word."

"The guys wouldn't let us leave anyways."

Nee scuffed. "Do you know me at all? Why you think I pulled you back here forreal? I got Q's keys, we can go."

"Let's fuckin go then." I said standing up.

"You ain't fighting, I am." Nee said.

"Let's just fuckin go bitch." I said.

As we were backing up and pulling out the driveway the guys came out. Kahron was obviously snapping and threw his phone at the car since we were already too far away to be stopped.


"Well shit," Nee said as we stopped a block from of Unique's house.

There were cops all outside of her house and they were dragging a half dead looking Unique out the house.

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