Chapter 43:

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Dress in MM.


Six Months Later... (2 days before the wedding)


"I've finally realized what I need. Can only be royal if you loyal girl... and all I need is a woman who gonna agree with everything that I do and get naked for me when I want her to. All I need, make it feel like forever. When it's temporary, let's get married."

I smiled staring over at Kahron as he drove while singing this song to me. We are on our way to our last rehearsal with the whole wedding party.

"Oh so this temporary? So you only want me because you want me to continue to get naked?" I ask being a smartass.

He sucked his teeth before chuckling. "Shut the fuck up Mo. Always gotta be a smartass."

"Okay, but you know this."

"True." He said placing his hand on my thigh.

"Yo you sexy." I said.

He shook his head. "Stop Mo."

"What?" I ask laughing.

"You stay trying to talk slick, but talking about no sex until after the wedding."

"It's only two more days."

"Two days too long." He said squeezing my thigh. "You should have worn a skirt. That would have been easy access."

"Whatever." I laughed. "So in two days we'll be married. How you feeling? You nervous?"

"Nah, I'm ready. What about you, you nervous?" He asks.

"No, not really."

"Oh really miss bridezilla?" He asks.

"Shut up." I laughed hitting his arm. "No, but I'm not. I feel like we are already married. I think I'm more excited than anything."

"Same here." He agreed.

"So everything is finished and good? Like we are a hundred percent sure on everything?" I ask my wedding planner for the thousandth time.

Everything is basically done regarding the wedding, but I still have to ask to make double triple sure. I need this day to go perfect and I know it will. Or I will kill everyone.

"Yes, I promise everything is gonna go smoothly." She said. "We just need our final rehearsal which is what we are doing now, then the final dress fitting later on today and we will be set."

I sighed. "Okay, okay, okay."

"Let's get everybody lined up." She said.

We all are at the place that the actual wedding will take place. We are about to practice lining up and walking the aisle since the first time we tried a week ago went horrible because nobody was taking it seriously.

"Come on yall!" I yelled out to everybody.

"Flower girls, stand here. My little ring bearers, here. Groomsmen, line up here. Bridesmaids, line up here. Well one is my matron of honer now since her ass ran off and got married, fuckin bitch." I said pushing Nee in place.

"Bitch you love me." She said.

"A lil bit. Kahron you gotta stand up there already." I said when he came behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I know." He said against my neck.

"Come on Kahron, damn." I said.

"Cut the fucking attitude Mo. Give me a kiss first." He said grabbing my face kissing my lips then placing his whole mouth around my lips to suck on them.

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