Chapter 37:

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"Bye mommy's baby." Niylah said kissing Aubree then placing her on the couch.

"Bye baby." Kae said waving at Niylah.

"Bye Kae bae." She smiled waving back.

"Don't let Aubree fool yall into carrying her around all the time. She can take I few steps she just lazy." She said as Aubree reached for her to pick her back up.

Aubree is ten months and wobbling everywhere. She looks more and more like the female version of Kahron, it's crazy.

"Kae was the same way, always wanted to be carried."

"Ma ma." Aubree whined as Niylah placed her on her feet.

"Aw boo saying her first word already." I said. "Now which Kahron's ass be talking shit."

"She say Da too she just hasn't said it around him yet."

"His ass gonna be hype when she do."

"I bet, bye Aubree. You stay with Da, Kae, and Morgan?" She looked like she was gonna cry when she left but she didn't.

"Wanna see Da da come on lets go." I said grabbing her hand letting her and Kae go up the steps before me.

"Da!" Kae yelled.

"Young girl!" He yelled back.

"Baby Bre." Kae pointed.

Aubree didn't waste no time wobbling her little self over to her daddy.

"Aye my Aubree." He picked her up munching on her cheek as she giggle. "You missed daddy? Daddy missed you."

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Got two meetings then coming back to yall." I nodded.

"Mama for me." Kae said holding up a bag of candy.

"No later." I said taking it. "And don't start."

"Ron." Kae whined walking over towards him making me roll my eyes as he picked her up placing her on his other leg.

"Auntie is Kae going with Eric?" Michael asks me.


"Oh." He said sadly. "Dad won't let me go watch him at football practice."

I rolled my eyes. "I'ma try to talk to him for you." I said grabbing my phone to call him.

"Bre thinks she's grown now." Michael said making me laugh. Aubree walks around following Kae everywhere she goes.

"What Morgz?" Mogul answered.

"Don't what me. Why won't you let Michael go to a practice with Eric? Kae's going too."

"You let ya child go, I'm not letting mine." He said.

"That's fucked up Mogul he over here looking all sad."

"He can go!" Asia yelled in the background.

"She needs to shut her ass the fuck up." Mogul tried to mumble.

"What you say Mogul?" Her voice said coming closer to the phone.

"Chill A, damn. I said I love you and ya pussy."

"Bye yall!" I shouted.

"Bye Morgz! The fuck." Mogul said.

"Bye Morgan. He can go." Asia says.

"A, you can't just go against what the fuck I say like that."

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