Chapter 6:

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"Kaelyn baby!" Nee said trying to wake up Kae.

"Why can't y'all ever just let her sleep."

"Because we don't want to bitch."

"Whatever and when she be trying to stay up all night I'ma drop her ass right off with you and Q."

"Good we can use the practice." She said then went back to talking to Kae who was now whining.

"Wait, what?" I ask. "Don't try to just slide that in there real quick. You need practice? You and Q finally gonna have me that baby? Well shit it's too late now I already got my own baby."

"Girl shut up." She laughed. "But we have actually been trying for awhile and nothing so we've been going to doctors to get answers on why I have yet to pop up pregnant. They said that the miscarriage might have something to do with it, but we will know more when the tests come back."

"You say it like it's nothing." I say.

"I have faith boo you know this. I don't let anything bring me down."

"That is what I love about you." I said.

"And I love you."

"I know things will work out, but as a just in case Morgan can always be your surrogate." I said throwing my arm over her shoulder.

She laughed. "You are just too damn crazy for me. Hopefully it doesn't get to that point tho, but I appreciate it boo."

"When y'all have y'all baby yall need to name it after me." I said flipping my hair.

"Girl you didn't name Kae after me." She said looking at me sideways.

"You is a lie. What's her middle name?"

"That came from Ron so stop with ya lyin ass."

"Noooo!" I exclaim laughing. "That was a combination of Ron and Nee. That's why I spelled it the way I did."

"Whatever you say Morgz." She says flagging me off. "What's up with you and Ron anyway?"

"Man, I don't even know. That nigga either all up under me or he too busy for me and my ass don't got fuckin time for that. He been texting my phone all day, but I have been ignoring him."

"You just petty."

"And you know this." I said before standing up going to open the door as someone knocked.

"What?" I ask as Eric stood at the door.

"So she is mine." He says holding up the DNA results.

We went a couple weeks ago and the results finally came back.

"No shit?" I said sarcastically.

"Ha ha ha." He says. "Can I come in? Is Kae here?"

"I guess." I said.

"What's up Nee?" Eric said.


"I deserve that." He said shrugging.

Kae just sat on Nee's lap looking all mean because she was woken up. She got down and walked to the coffee table to get her sippy cup and cheese curls. After trying to open them on her own she held them out for Eric to open since he was the closest to her.

He took the chips and opened them. "Can I pick you up?" He asks her holding his hands out. She holds both her arms out to be picked up.

"She all light like ya bright ass." He said placing her on his lap. She ate her cheese curls staring at him.

"Dada." She said holding out a cheese curl he took it and ate it.

"See, she knows I'm her dad."

Nee scuffed. "Don't flatter yourself, it's the only fuckin word she knows. She calls everybody dada." I wanted to laugh but didn't.

Someone knocked on the door I got up to open it once again.

"Damn, got you phone in ya hand and everything just blatantly ignoring a nigga." Kahron said.

"Maybe I was busy like how you be busy." I said.

"Chill." He said pulling my back into his front and after stepping in the house and closing the door. Then we walked into the living room together while he kissed on my neck.

Kae squealed climbing out of Eric's lap. Kahron raised in eyebrow at me then let me go to bend down and pick up Kae.

"Awkward." Nee mumbled. I slapped her arm.

Kae was the only one making noise as she played with Kahron's chin hair.

"You be having this nigga around my daughter?" Eric asks looking mad.

"Oh she yours now?" Kahron asks.

"Yeah she's fuckin mine. The real question is did you tell Morgz you got a baby on the way?" Eric asks raising an eyebrow.

My eyes snap to Kahron whose face stayed blank.

"What you think you gonna get some coo points for that shit? If my young girl wasn't in my arms I would punch you in ya fuckin mouth."

"Want me to hold her for you?" Nee asks.

"Wait, so he's serious?" I ask. "You have a baby on the way?"

"I was gonna tell you, Mo."

"When?" I ask looking away as my eyes started to water.

He handed Kae to Nee.

"Let me talk to you in private." He said grabbing my hand I tried to pull back, but he wouldn't let me. "I will pick yo lil ass up and carry you upstairs and you know it."

I pulled away from him going upstairs with him following me.

"How far along is she?" I ask after he shuts the door.

"8 months."

"Who?" I ask in a whisper. I was hoping he wasn't gonna say that Brandi bitch that I met once at mama K's.

"A girl I met in New York named Niylah."

I nodded slowly. I wiped a tear that fell from my eye not wanting him to see me cry. "No." I said pushing his hands away as he reached for me.

"Mo, I know-"

"You know fuckin what Kahron!?" I yelled. "That should have been the first thing you told me when you came back around. I'm the one who's suppose to be having your first baby!" I yelled not meaning to say the last part out loud.

"You think I don't fuckin know that!" He yelled back making me jump. "This shit wasn't planned just like Kae wasn't planned. I'm the one holding all this shit in. You think I don't feel some type of fuckin way too!? You the one that got pregnant by another nigga. Just like my first baby was suppose to be yours, yours was suppose to be mine, but shit ain't work out like that and I never held the shit against you because I love yo ass. You can't hold this shit against me Morgan."

I dropped my head as tears fell because all that he said was true, but I needed time to take all of this shit in.

"Mo-" He said reaching for my hand.

"No, I need time." I said shaking my head backing up.

He dropped his hand nodding walking backwards.

"I understand that. Just know I love you, Morgan."

I shallowed the lump in my throat. "I love you too, Kahron."

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