Chapter 13:

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"That lil nigga work under the mothafuckas I use to run. Nigga gonna lose his money flow and end up in the fuckin hospital." I said speeding towards where I know this nigga most likely was.

"That's that nigga's head once a fuckin again." Mogul said.

"Hell no this all me."

"What nigga? That's my fuckin sister."

"And that's my fuckin woman. You already handled the nigga once before. Plus I've been waiting for this shit."

"Niggas is lucky we ain't in these streets no fuckin more bruh."

"So you like putting hands on females? Mine tho?" I ask walking into the trap up behind Eric.

He turns around eyes slightly big like he was shocked. I don't know why tho.

"It wasn't like that, I didn't mean-" I cut him off with a blow to the face. I didn't wanna hear shit this pussy had to say. I just continued to send blow after blow.

"Yo I think he done for bruh." Q said pulling me off of him, but that didn't stop Mogul's boot from hitting bruh's face knocking him out completely.

"Yo let me use ya key to Mo's house." I said as we stood in her driveway. It was after one in the morning and I didn't wanna knock.

"Keep it." He said tossing it to me. He dapped me up before getting in his car.

I took a shower right away. I walked into Mo's room to see her laid out sleep tv still on. I was surprised Kae wasn't in the bed with her, but I noticed the monitor laying next to her.

I placed the baby monitor on the nightstand then turned the tv off before climbing into bed with her.

"Kahron." She whispers in her sleepy voice. That shit gave me a semi, but it was not the time.

"Yeah?" I say pulling her body into mine while I rubbed on her ass.

"You didn't do anything stupid right?"

"I should have, but I didn't." If I wouldn't had took into consideration that this nigga has two kids that nigga would have been done for.

"I think something is wrong with him that he did that." She mumbled tiredly.

"I don't give a fuck what the niggas reason was you don't put ya fuckin hands on a woman. Especially if she mine." I grabbed her wrist lookin at them.

They were still slightly swollen and red. I kissed her wrist then placed it back on to my chest.

I sighed kissing her lips as she slept. She's gonna be the death of a nigga.


I woke up to Kae sitting between me and Kahron. She was laying over his stomach staring at the tv as Bubble Guppies played on the tv.

"Kae." I said slapping her thigh. She turned around smiling then coming to lay on top of me. "Hey my Kaelyn." I said kissing her. "I thought you was gonna be a big girl and sleep in ya own room." She nodded before kissing me.

"She did, I just brung her in here awhile ago."

"She woke up herself or you woke her up?" I ask eying him since nobody seems to be able to let her sleep.

"She woke up herself smartass." He said.

"Ron." Kae pointed at him.

I nodded. "Mhmm."

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