Chapter 8:

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"Kae fake as shit trying not to say Ron no more." Kahron said over FaceTime sticking his tongue out at her. She giggled copying him.

After saying Ron a couple of days ago she hasn't said it again. She be playing.

"What you doing today?" I ask him.

"Coming to see my woman later."

"Who ya woman?"

"You nigga. Fuck you mean?"

"Oh word?" I ask smiling. "Since when?"

"See you be bullshitting Mo. I'm trying to see what's up with us forreal, forreal."

"We'll talk."

"Yeah we will. What yall doing today?"

"Kae's going to Tam's and I'm going somewhere."

"Where the hell you going?"


"Don't get fucked up Mo."

"We luh you. Say see ya Ron." I grabbed Kae's hand waving before hanging up.

Kahron💙: I'ma fuck you up Mo.

"Hey." Niylah said waving at me as I walked into the diner we agreed to meet at. "Sorry I already ordered. Pregnant girl problems."

I laughed lightly. "You good. I understand, trust me."

"Oh yeah you have a daughter right?" She asks. I nod looking through the menu. "Can I see a picture?"

"She looks just like you. She's really pretty." She said as I showed her my lockscreen.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"So are you here in Atlanta permanently or will yall be going back and forth?"

"No we are here permanently me and my younger brother." I nodded.

"Why did you guys break up?" I ask. "I mean you don't have to answer that if it is too personal."

"No it's fine. We were friends first, then it moved to something more, but I could tell like he wasn't all in or willing to go all in. After awhile he would slip up and call me your name. Crazy thing is I honestly don't think he ever realized it and I never said anything. I didn't officially know about you until after us breaking up and I finally asked him and he told me."

"Told you what?" I ask side eyeing her thinking Kahron done ran my business into a broad I don't even know.

"Nothing personal, Ron's not like that and I'm sure you know that. He just told me how important you were to him. So then it made sense why ya name was always spoken."

I honestly felt bad. Who the fuck would want a nigga calling them their exes name?

"Were you in love with him?" I ask. "Or should I say are you in love with him?"

She shrugged looking away. "I'm not in love with him." I nodded. She was in love with him. I guess she's just understanding enough that he's in love with someone else.

Luckily Kahron picked her and not soon inconsiderate crazy chick. I already gotta deal with one crazy babymama I don't need to deal with two.

"So you're having a girl? Any ideas for a name?" I ask after my food came and I wanted to change the subject.

She shook her head. "No. I'm completely lost. I know Ron wanted to include your name some how, someway. Or at least start with a M."

I almost choked on my drink. "Girl hell no. Don't do that."

"But Ron said-"

"Girl I don't care what Kahron said do not name your baby after me." Nee told me she was really sweet, but the girl might be too damn sweet for her own good. Fuck type of shit is Kahron on?

"You call him Kahron?" She asks surprised.

"Um, yeah." I shrugged.

"It's just I never heard anybody other than Mama K call him Kahron before."

I shrugged. I always called him Kahron from the day I met him and he never corrected me like he does other people.

"Tam what's my baby doing?" I ask as soon as she answers the phone.

I just got back home and I was missing Kae.

"Girl her and Arie are attached at the damn hip. Kae over here thinking she a big girl and shit. Arie be like sissy, it's just too damn cute. I gotta send you the pictures I took of them together."

"Awh they finally met." Regardless of the situation I wanted them to be close like me and Mogul.

"Girl yes. Arie was confused at first because she was like mommy didn't have another baby, but Eric tried his best to get her to understand and she got it for the most part, for her age anyway."

"He's there now?"

"Mhmm. They got him watching cartoons with them. Arie call him daddy so Kae be doing the same now. All you hear outta her lil mouth is dada and mama. I be like girl ya mom is not here."

"Bitch don't lie like that!" I said getting hype. "She did not say mama."

"Girl why would I lie? She says it all the time when she's over here."

"She never says it when she's here." I pouted. "Her ass be trying to act like she don't know anything but dada."

"She be frontin." Tam said.

"She really does tho." I said.

"When am I gonna meet this Ron tho?" She asks.

"Soon." I say.

"I better meet my future brother in law."

"Girl." I said laughing.

"Real shit and make sure you get some dick while I got Kae this weekend."

"Goodbye Tam." I said laughing. "Don't even speak that up because how I've been feeling about that nigga lately he might get it in the worst way."


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