Chapter 7:

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"I'm not mad about the situation, but you can not tell me I don't have the right to feel some type of way about the shit. Just like he had the right to feel some type of way about me having a baby to somebody else. The only difference is I showed my feelings and he hid his."

I was having a talk with Nee. I have been avoiding everybody the past couple of days. I just needed to collect myself, but Nee popped up like she always does.

"I hear you and that's all true. At the end of the day neither one of yall are going any fuckin where. Love you, bye, gotta go. Love you too, Kae. Yes, I already know to call you to let you know I get home safe." She said kissing Kae then slapping my butt before leaving my room.

After Nee left I just laid there with Kae as she laid against my stomach all into the tv since Tangled was on.

I just laid here with questions running through my head.

Why'd they break up?

Does that mean he will have to go back and forth between here and New York?

Was he in love with her?

I sighed out loud. It's been a couple of days since I talked to Kahron and I missed him already. I told him I needed time and that's what he has been giving me.

"Come on Kae time for bed." I said as Tangled was going off and she begin yawning.

"Dada." She whined pushing on my stomach then crawled to the bottom of the bed to get my phone holding it up. "Ron."

I sighed. She does this every night. She has become so use to facetiming Kahron that these past couple of nights she cries before going to sleep.

"No mamas, we aren't facetiming Ron tonig-" I froze half way sitting up. "You just said Ron!"

I grabbed my phone facetiming him without even thinking because I was that hype. I guess him continuously repeating his name to her worked. I'ma kill him, but I'm still so hype.

"He didn't answer mamas." I said as she leaned all over me to look into the phone. "I guess we'll tell him tomorrow."


"Ron what are you doing here?" Niylah asks as she opens the door.

"What's up!?" I slurred. "Just came to check on you and my daughter."

"You couldn't have texted? You are drunk as hell. How'd you get here?"

"I ain't drunk. I might be tipsy and high, but I ain't drunk. I took a cab from the bar. I had no choice but to come here since Mo ain't fuckin with a nigga."

"Mo? Oh yeah Morgan. Well can you at least tell me her address so I can drop you off?"

"Sure." I yawned. "Wait you can't even fuckin drive."

"Ny will take us." She said referring to her younger brother. I nodded leaning against the doorpost.


I stood in the kitchen pouring me some juice and putting milk in Kae's sippy cup incase she wakes up in the middle of the night.

I scrunched up my face as someone knocked on the door. I looked at the time on the stove to see it was a little after midnight.

I looked through the peephole seeing Kahron and some girl.

"Oh look she actually opened the door." Kahron said chuckling.

"Niylah." The girl said holding her hand out introducing herself.

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