Chapter 11:

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I rubbed my temples knocking on Asia's door since her ass doesn't wanna answer any of my calls or texts.

She opened the door rolling her eyes then walking away. I sighed shutting and locking the door then going into the kitchen.

"Look dad," Michael said pointing his plate full of food. "Mom made me a big man breakfast and made you none."

"I'ma get some of yours, right?" I ask.

He scuffed. "No."

"Smartass." I chuckled mushing his head as he laughed.

"See, no. Stop Mogul." Asia said pushing my hands off of her as I tried to wrap my hands around her like I always do. "Michael take ya food in the living room and eat."

"Coo." He said leaving right away wanting to watch tv while eating.

"Damn that's really how you feel, A?" I ask.

"Why are you even here?" She asks.

"Because this is where my son and woman is at."

"Ya son is here, but I didn't know you had a woman I just know you to have bitches."

"Man," I rubbed my face. "You never act like this. Even when you mad at me, you still fuck with a nigga."

"And that's my downfall. Just letting every fuckin thing you do slide."

"I could kill Morgz man." I mumbled.

"Why, because she finally put some sense into my head that just because you love somebody you shouldn't let them run all over you. Look it's either you want me or you want these bitches. And as long as you are fuckin with these bitches ain't shit going on between us. I might even find me a real nigga that'll do right by me."

"Don't get fucked up Asia." I said.

Asia ain't being with no other nigga. I'll kill a mothafucka first.

"Just get ya shit together Mogul." She said before walking away.


"What you doing up?" Kahron asks coming into the kitchen with just sweats on.

"Waiting for Tam to bring Kae. I miss my baby." I pout.

"You a big ass baby." He chuckled. "I missed my young girl too tho."

"You want something to eat? I'm only making cheese eggs and grits because that's all I want." I said taking the eggs and cheese out.

"Coo with me." He shrugged. I grabbed my purse that was on that counter and started going through it.

Kahron came behind me holding on to my hips kissing on my neck softly.

I grabbed my water to take this pill.

"What's that?" He asks.

"Plan b pill." I say placing the water back down after swallowing.

He tenses then backs up. I turn to see him just staring down at me with an unreadable expression.

"What?" I ask.

"Why the fuck would you need to take that for?"

"Um, did you forget we just had sex last night? Unprotected sex and I still have yet to get on birth control."

"So you can have that niggas baby, but you can't have mine?" My head snaps back at his tone of voice.

"You can not be fuckin serious Kahron."

"I'm deadass serious."

"Kahron." I exclaim. "We do not need a baby at the moment."

"And why the fuck not?"

"Either of us need that at the moment. You already have a baby on the way, a baby that will basically be here any time now to be honest. I have a one year old that in a few months will be two. I think that is more than enough for us at the moment."

"Don't you think I should have a fuckin say?"

"Kahron." I say through gritted teeth becoming frustrated.

"Where are you going?" I ask following him as he walked to the living room putting on his shoes.

"You didn't need a baby when you popped up pregnant with another niggas baby either." He said while throwing a shirt over his head then grabbing his phone and keys. "Why the fuck do you even have that fuckin pill? You planned on fuckin another nigga?"

"No dickhead I just bought the shit this morning."

"When you didn't fuckin have to! You full of shit Morgan." He said walking towards the door.

"You know what? Whatever, what the fuck ever Kahron. Go ahead and run that's all everybody thinks I'm good for, but it's you running this time. Come back to me when you get your shit together and actually wanna have a civil conversation."

He doesn't say shit else as he walks out the door getting into his car. I rolled my eyes as he sped off. As I was about to close the door I notice Tam's car pulling into the driveway.

I smile forgetting about everything that just happened knowing I was about to see my baby.

"Who the hell was that?" Tam asks getting out the car.

"Kahron with his attitude havin ass." I walked to the car opening the backdoor just wanting my Kae Kae.

"Well damn hey to you too." Tam said.

"Sorry, hey sis. I just missed my baby. Hey Kae!" I exclaim taking her out the car seat as she smiled big at me. I kissed her up as she giggled all loud. "I missed you baby."

She grabbed my face kissing me.

"Awh I love yall relationship." Tam said.

"Auntie that sissy mommy?" I look towards the other side of the car where the baby voice came from seeing Arie.

"Yeah." Tam answered.

"Hey Arie." I say waving. She smiled waving back. "She got so big and got a head full of hair now. How old is she?"

"Three and all she do is be talking nonstop ." Tam said.

"They were good together?" I ask moving Kae to my other hip.

"Girl yes, couldn't separate them."

"Awh. We gonna have to get together and spend a day together with them."

"We can do that."

"How was she with Eric?" I ask.

"Good. He actually spent the whole weekend there with us." I nodded.

"He better keep it up, he's doing okay so far." I said.

"Right, I told him he better stay on his responsibilities. I want him to leave these streets alone but I honestly feel like that b.i.t.c.h of a babymama wants him in these streets for the fast money." I shook my head.

"And what's gonna happen if he end up in jail? That fast money ain't gonna be there no more."

"I done told his ass. Let me get her home so I can get to work tho." She said hugging me then hugging Kae saying bye.

I got her car seat out and held it. "Say bye to sissy." I said to Kae as I waved. She smiled copying me.

"Bye sissy." Arie said waving. I waved again before shutting the door.

"Text me later in the week so we can make plans with them." I said.

"I gotchu girl." She said before getting in the car.

"Siseeee." She said pointing as they pulled off.

"Oh ya ass just wanna be saying words, but try not to say mama when you around me." I said.

She just laughed like she knew what I was talking about and laid against my neck. I smiled. My baby girl.

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