Chapter 32:

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I came into our bedroom hearing shit being slammed around. I stood in the doorway of the connected bathroom watching Mo slam shit around. She's been doing this since we left the hotel this morning and every time I ask her what's wrong she gives me the same answer: nothing.

Even though I know damn well what is wrong with her, but that's what her ass get. I have been trying my hardest not to laugh at her.

"I'ma ask again Mo what's wrong?" I ask placing my hand on her stomach.

"I said," She paused slapping my hand away. "Nothing."

"I can't touch my son now?" I ask.

She only rolled her eyes and continued folding and putting away towels and rags. Very aggressively, I must add.

"Well, okay." I said grinning.

"What the fuck is there to be grinning about Kahron?" She snapped hitting me with a towel.

"Yo chill," I said laughing. "I'm about to go get Kae from moms. Then Aubree. You want me to bring you something back?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go fuck yourself."

I busted out laughing not being able to help it. "You just said there's nothing wrong, but now I gotta go fuck myself?"

"Nothing is the fuck wrong!" She yelled before slamming the bathroom door in my face.

"I love you too." I chuckled walking off.


"Bitch why didn't you answer the first time I called." Nee said through the phone.

"I didn't hear the phone." I mumbled.

"So how'd it go!? I need details, I'm dying over here, and I am still waiting for my picture of the ring. Like come on bitch, damn."

"There's no ring." I mumbled.

"Bitch what?"

"Bitch I said there's no ring. The night started off great. We had a nice dinner, laughed and joked like we always do. Then we went to a hotel room, it was decorated perfectly had a jacuzzi and everything. Shit got sexy, but not too sexy because the nigga went to fucking sleep! Fucking snoring Nicole, snoring! And no fuckin ring!"

Nee started laughing. "I'm sorry, it's not funny." She said all while laughing.

"Bitch fuck you. You inconsiderate ass bitch." I snapped hanging up on her.

"What Nicole, what!?" I snap answering the phone after she called back for the third time.

"Morgan I'll come slap the fuck outta ya pregnant dramatic ass. Don't take your anger out on me bitch."

"I don't like you or Kahron no more. I don't have a man or a bestfriend no more, fuck yall." She laughed. "Why do you keep laughing while I'm being serious."

"I love you Morgz, I really do." She said chuckling. "Maybe he just wanted to actually have a sexy night out with his woman."

"Fuck him."

She laughed. "Shut the fuck up Morgz."

"No, I'm mad. I got myself all hyped up for nothing."

"Maybe he changed his mind. Sike, sike, I'm joking."

"You better say sike bitch because I surely was about to hang up on you again."

"You luhhhhhhh me gurl!"

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