Chapter 38:

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"Kaelyn." I called from the kitchen.

"Yas Mo." She called back walking into the kitchen with her little sunglasses on.

"First, it's mommy to you. Second, take them glasses off girl."

"No mama." She smiled up at me hugging my legs.

I rolled my eyes. Eric brought her these custom made pink sunglasses with her name on the side and she never wants to take them off. I could kill him.

"What you wanna eat for lunch before you leave?" I ask. "Chicken nuggets?"

"Um, yup. Bb sauce."

"Chicken nuggets with bb sauce coming right up."

I'm due any day, any minute now. I can't wait until Ayden gets here. I am just so over being pregnant at this point.

Kae is going with Eric today. Today's a big day for him and of course he wants his daughters there. It's his last game of the football season and he has the chance to go Pro. He already has a solid offer from the Eagles, but there are rumors going around that the Falcons are looking into him. We all are hoping he gets to stay here in Atlanta.

Of course we know if the Falcons wouldn't want him he would be going with the Eagles, which will make a lot of shit hard. One, him and Kae now have a very close relationship so him moving so far away would put a stern on that. Of course I'm sure he would come back all the time between games and when it's off seasons. Then I'm sure Tam and Arie would go with him and I don't want them to lose that sisterly bond they have. It would put a stern on everything so we are hoping Atlanta comes through for him.

"Tell Eric I said good luck." I told Tam.

"I will. We already late so let me hurry up before I hear his mouth and he started thinking he the older sibling and shit."

I laughed. "Bye."

"Make sure you call me whenever you have the baby." She said.

"I will."

"Kahron get up!" I said plopping on the bed next to him.

"You gonna plop my son out, keep playing."

"Shit he need to come on out. What you doing sleep like you the pregnant one?"

"You got me running around like I am. Do this, this, and this. Go here, here, and here. Get me this, this, and this." He said in a mocking tone.

"Don't be an asshole." I said.

"So what do you want me to do for you now master because I know that's the only reason you came waking me up."

"I'ma slap you. I didn't even want shit."

He opened one eye peeking over at me. "Yeah, aight Mo."

"Seriously." I laughed. "I might have been horny, but nope ya smartass mouth ruined it."

"Oh I can do that." He said sitting up fast pulling on his belt buckle.

"Come on, ass up." He said slapping my ass making me laugh as he pulled my shorts off.

I rubbed my stomach as I laid watching tv on the couch. I was so uncomfortable after that sex. I wasn't having pain or contractions, but it was an uncomfortable pressure feeling.

I was trying to relax and ignore it as I waited for Kahron to come back with food and Eric to bring Kae back.

It was all over the news that he was being drafted by the Falcons. I was happy for him considering the shit he went through to get here.

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