Chapter 39:

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Ayden in MM.



After several hours of labor and me getting cussed out by Mo the entire time our son was finally here and guess who wasn't a fan of him?


"Ms. dramatic you ready to see your mommy?" I ask Kae as we got on the elevator.

"Mama hurt." Kae said looking sad as she held my hand leaning against my leg.

"She's fine young girl." I said. "We're gonna go see your mommy and baby brother right now."

"Where Mogul?" I ask Nee.

"On the way now. He said he wasn't coming until the labor part was over."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because when she had Kae their crazy asses argued the whole time. She was in pain and you know Mogul can't be serious. I mean cussing each other out. You would have thought they hated each other. Well on Morgz part anyway, because Mogul was holding back like fuck."

"Shit, she done called the engagement off a couple of times today all between cussing me out. If I didn't love her and knew that she was in pain I would have slapped her ass."

"Shut up Ron." Nee chuckled.

"Forreal. Come on Kae let's go see your baby brother Ayden." I said as the elevator opened.

"No, no baby Da." She said trying to pull back while gesturing her hand for me to come here. "Come, come."

I laughed picking her up. "Stop Kae you can't be like that towards your broth-"

"No." She said taking her two little hands covering my mouth so I couldn't talk anymore.

"What is she doing?" Mo asks laughing when we finally walk into the room and Kae still had her hands covering my mouth.

"Boo is not a fan of the words baby brother." Nee said picking up Ayden. "Awh look at my baby looking just like Ron."

"No Nee." Kae whined.

"Hand me her." Mo said trying to sit up in the bed.

"Becareful." I said helping her then handing Kae to her.

"You hurt?" Kae asks grabbing her face.

"I'm fine Kae I promise."

"He hurt you." Kae pouted.

"I had to hurt for him to get here. You made mommy hurt too so you could get out my belly." Mo said.

"Noooo." She said shaking her head.

"Yup." Mo nodded tickling her. "You wanna hold him?"

"No mama." She said hugging her neck.

"You a bad big sister with ya diva ass." Nee said mushing Kae's head after I took Ayden from her.

I kissed my little mans head as he slept in my arms.

"I got my young girl, my baby girl, now my little man. Another one in a couple months?" I ask

Mo scuffs. "Fuck no."

Six Weeks Later...


"Okay so I have a note here from when you had your little man there that you want birth control. Is that still something you want?" My doctor asks me.

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