Chapter 18:

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"Kahron can you sit down please?" I ask becoming annoyed. I'm trying to get Kae to eat breakfast but she was to busy following Kahron around the room.

"Why?" He asks with his toothbrush hanging out his mouth standing in the bathroom doorway with Kae at his side.

"Because I want Kae to eat, but she's too worried about what you're doing."

"She don't want that oatmeal shit." He said.

"It's apple cinnamon her favorite. She's just too worried about you, so shut up."

"Da Ron." She tapped his legs. "Me teef." She said pointing to her teeth.

I rolled my eyes as he picked her up. "Kahron she already brushed her teeth."

"And if she wanna brush them again, she can." He said grabbing her little pink tooth brush and putting her kid toothpaste on it. These two. That's why she so spoiled now.

"I guess we'll eat something at Mama K's." I said sighing in defeat.

"I gotta pick up Bre then I'ma head over there after yall." Kahron said after placing Kae back on the floor helping her wipe her mouth.

"She started back working yet?" I ask about Niylah.

"Yeah. She told me to ask you would it be coo if when you're off and she gotta work and so do I would you keep Bre?"

"Mhmm." I nodded. "She already asked me. I told her it was coo. Bre baby my boo."

"Mogul said why you ignoring him still?" Kahron chuckled putting his phone on speaker placing it on to the bed.

"Really Morgz? Ya favorite fuckin brother is still getting ignored, but that nigga getting treated no different."

"That's because I came home and put my mouth-"

"Kahron! I will slap you." He chuckled shrugging. "Bring me some breakfast and my nephew to Mama K's and we'll be coo."

"Who said my son wants to be with yall niggas?" He asks.

"I'm his favorite." He scuffed.

"No, now I'm Kae's favorite. Where my daughter at anyways?" He asks. Her ass was already trying to get to Kahron's phone that sat on the bed.

"Dada," She said before she started her baby talk not understanding nothing else she said.

"I know Kae, I know. Your mom full of shit." I sucked my teeth.

"I hope she hang up on ya ass." I said since she kept turning him on and off of speaker.

He said something else smart but I ignored him as I checked my phone seeing Eric texted me.

Eric: Hit me when you get a chance. I just got out of the hospital. I wanna know the moves for Kae's birthday. I wanna help out.

I ain't gonna lie on Eric he's been on his shit. He's been calling her damn near every night since he's got shot. So much she even looks for his call at night before she goes to sleep.

His ass better stay like that too, because if he got my baby attached to him and he disappears I will personally beat his ass and I surely told him that too.

"Look at Kahron's twin." I said cooing at Aubree as Mama K held her.

She looked too much like Kahron especially with her cute little small eyes.

"Look at her fussing already. She can't be with nobody for more than five minutes when Kahron is around." Mama K said.

"Forreal." I said agreeing with her as I unwrapped me and Kae's food that Mogul brought.

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