Chapter 27:

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"Where dumbass Morgz?" I heard Mogul as I walked down the stairs.

I paused mid step and stopped digging throw my bag.

Kahron sucked his teeth. "Her dumb inconsiderate ass upstairs."

This is the type of shit I would over hear all the time, the past couple of days. Everybody throwing cheap shots and basically ignoring me.

No matter how many times I apologized everyone still wants to give me their ass to kiss. If all anybody is gonna do is talk shit when I am around, then what fuck am I around for?

"Yall don't think I feel bad enough as it fuckin is?" I said after making my way down the rest of the stairs. "I acted first and thought later. I know, I fucked up! I've been beating myself the fuck up about this shit for the last couple of days, but did anyone care? No. I don't blame yall for being mad, I'm mad at my damn self, but yall don't gotta continuously talk shit about me."

"Did you care when you was gonna try to fight knowing you're pregnant? No because you're a dumbass." Mogul said.

I blinked staring at him as tears built in my eyes. "Fine. You're right. Fuck you Mogul and fuck you too Ron." I said tightening my hands around my keys and walking out the door.

"Man, Mo where you going?" Kahron asks as he follows me.

"Oh now it's Mo when it's been Morgan lately? Don't worry about where I'm going. Nobody has been fuckin with me the last couple of days so don't fuck with me now."

I try to wipe my tears as I got in the car but they wouldn't stop which was pissing me off even more.

"I'm not letting you drive off crying like that." He said standing in the door way not letting me shut it.

"Ron move!"

"Damn, so it's just Ron now?" He asks trying to pull me out the car.

"Don't fuckin touch me." I said pushing his hands away.

"Man, come the fuck here." He said pulling me all the way out the car. "Stop all that fuckin crying Morgan."

"I hate you." I said wiping my eyes as I started to calm down.

"You couldn't fuckin hate me even if you wanted to." He said wiping the last of my tears away.

"Look, I accept ya apology been accepted ya apology. I just still feel some type of way about the shit so I was being petty, not doing shit but making the situation worse, but you better not ever think about doing some shit like that again Mo."

He grabbed my chin making me look him in the eyes. "We good?"

I nodded absentmindedly . "Yeah, are we done now, can I go?" I ask.


I rolled my eyes. "I just wanna go get Kae then be alone with my baby."


"Kahron, move." I said pushing his chest.

"Fuck you need to be alone for? Bring your ass right back here."

"I will." I lied.

"Mo don't fuckin play with me."

"Kahron, bye." I said getting in the car.

"Give me a kiss first." He said leaning down into the doorway.

I gave him a quick peck.

"Nah, I want some tongue, suck on my lips, all that shit."

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