Chapter 2:

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I couldn't stop looking at Mo's body as I followed her up the driveway. Her having a baby got her sitting stacked in all of the right places. Two years ago Mo was slimmer with a small, but plump ass and smalls tits. Now she got hips, even plumper ass, and tits.

It was taking everything in me to keep my hands to myself right now.

"Michael what the hell, I told you to hold her hand for me. She could have went anywhere or to anybody." She says slapping him in the back of his head.

"But it was only Uncle Ron." He said looking at her like she was crazy as he rubbed his head.

"Uncle? You met him before?" She asks walking inside the house.

"Duh." He said before running into the living room.

"Smartass." She mumbled. I followed her into the kitchen.

"Da da." Kae said reaching for Mo.

She took her and placed her on her feet. "You gotta stop being so spoiled mamas." She said when she started to cry.

"She's ya damn twin man that's crazy." I said.

"I know, luckily. When she first born before her looks fully came in she only had his nose so it was like she looked like him, til mommy's looks appeared on that pretty face." She says kissing Kae's face as she handed her a sippy cup with juice then took her in the other room with Michael.

"So what's her name?" I ask watching her walk back in the room.

"Kaelyn Roneé Yung."

I smirked at the fact that she gave her that as a middle name like I wanted. "That last name should be Dawson tho."

"Boy." She said straight facing me before chuckled shaking her head.

"What's up with you and ol boy?" I leaning against the kitchen counter with my arm crossed watching her walk around the kitchen.

"Not a damn thing." She said looking at me like I am crazy.

"That right? Hmm. He see my young girl?" I ask.

She sucked her teeth. "Nope." She said simply. I nodded since I could tell she didn't really wanna go into it.

"What you cooking?" I ask walking up behind her on to her ass looking over her shoulder. I smirked as she tensed, but then relaxed. I still affect her little ass.

"Shrimp Spaghetti." She said popping a freshly peeled shrimp in her mouth then holding one out for me to take.

"My favorite." I said before taking the shrimp into my mouth from her fingers.

"Mhmm. Also Kae's favorite."

"That's why she my young girl." I said grabbing another shrimp before she could stop me.

I smiled down at her as she shot me a glare then rolled her eyes smiling.

"So what's up? It's been two years and a nigga can't even get a hug?"

"Nigga I did hug you."

"You a damn lie. You just turned around bumping into me. That wasn't shit."

"Okay, if you get ya dick off my back so I can turn and hug you."

"Shit, I don't even know why you surprised. Just seeing you would always give me a semi." I joked even though I was deadass serious and she knows it.

"Nasty ass." She she wiping her hands off.

"Always blushing ass." I said pointing to her lightly pink tinted cheeks.

"Shut up, do you want a hug or not?" She asks.

I step back opening my arms. "Yeah, you can give daddy Ron a hug."

"Daddy Ron my ass." She grinned rolling her eyes then leaning into me.

"Yeah that ass alright." I said looking down at her plump ass as my hands laid against her lower back. She tried to pull away, but I just held her tighter.

"You always gotta hug me all long?" She asks laughing against my chest.

"Always." Just as I was about to grab a handful of her ass Mogul walked in carrying Kae.

"The fuck going on here?" He asks smirking.

"Don't even start Mogul." Mo said moving out of my arms.

"I ain't starting shit." He said. "What's up bruh?" He asks dapping me up.

"Ain't shit. Just came to see my Mo since she wanna keep hiding from a nigga."

"Oh what the fuck ever." Mo said rolling her eyes.

"Da da." Kae said slapping Mogul's face.

"What Kae?" He asks.

"Mogul, can you please correct her when she calls you that, like damn. I want her to learn everybody's name eventually and you aren't doing anything, but making her think you are her dad."

"I am her fuckin dad, her sperm donor ain't shit."

"Yes, you have been a father figure and I appreciate it very much, but you are her Uncle and that's what she's gonna call you not dad."

"Oh what the fuck ever." He said flagging her off. Kae reached for me. I took her smiling just as big as she was. "Oh word Kae? Seem like you got both my girls wrapped around ya finger."

"The Yung women love a nigga." I said looking down at Kae as she played with my chin hair. "Ya mommy use to do that too when we would be laid up and she was getting sleepy. Remember all our times in the bedroom Mo? Shit even all of the times out of the bedroom." I laughed watching her blush.

"Aye, you coo, but not that fuckin much nigga." Mogul said looking at me like I was crazy.

I nodded chuckling.

"She sleep?" I ask Mo. She looked up from her chips towards me and Kae.

"Mhmm. I told you, you didn't have to stay and hold her she would have stopped crying eventually."

Every time I went to leave she would start crying when I put her down so I just stayed until she fell asleep.

"I don't like seeing my young girl cry." I said standing up. I laid her on Mo's bed then she walked me to the door.

"We gonna link up soon?" I ask her as we stood at the door.

"Sure." She shrugged.

"A'ight man don't be bullshitting me either."

"I won't."

"Yeah right, you said that shit before."

"Shut up Kahron." She rolled her eyes.

"Real shit tho, ya lil ass ain't getting rid of me easily this time. You ain't gonna be running from me."

"Who says I'm running?" She asks.

I lifted an eyebrow smirking. "A'ight Mo. We'll see."

"Yeah, we will."

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