Chapter 10: "It was possible I was going to lose them all."

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Taehyung POV:

I was glad I had made the decision to come to the company today. It kept me busy and it helped keep my mind off Y/N. Being in the house filled my mind with too many memories. I kept thinking back to the conversations I had with Jungkook and Lenore. They both told me to not make any decisions yet, but the idea of Y/N not remembering me was tearing me apart.

Jennie, my secretary, brought me a cup of coffee. She was a kind middle-aged woman with a husband and a collection of kids. I used to joke around with Y/N that we were going to be like Jennie and her husband in a few years. Y/N would roll her eyes, but her eyes would get soft whenever Jennie brought one of the kids into the office. Y/N was a natural with kids and I had been excited about eventually starting a family with her.

I was seated at my desk with my head in my hands when Jin came into the office. I raised up my head and gave him a small smile. "Hey Jin," I said.

Jin came around the desk and hugged me. "I'm not going to ask how you are since I'm sure you're not doing great," he said.

I gave him a small smile of gratitude. I was not okay and I was not going to be okay for a long time.

"Um... I actually came down for a reason," Jin said hesitantly.

I raised an eyebrow at him. Normally Jin was very straightforward and domineering. This reluctant tone was something new. "What is it?" I asked.

"Well there is a company in Japan that is interested in investing in PJM. They want someone to come down in two weeks and go over some things with them. The trip would be about three weeks long," Jin explained.

I could feel my mood lighten a little at his words. "Three weeks?" I asked. "Don't you want to go?"

Jin shrugged. "It honestly doesn't matter to me. If you want to go, I would be more than willing to stay back and handle your accounts here. If you want to stay then I don't mind going," he replied. "I... I just thought with everything going on, you might want to get out of here for a while."

I thought about the option. Since Y/N would be coming back to the office, I wouldn't be able to avoid seeing her. As much as I wanted to spend time around her, right now it was just too hard. I wasn't lying when I had explained what happened when I talked to her. Looks wise, it was my beautiful girl; however, I didn't know what to say to her. It really felt like talking to a stranger.

"I would like to go," I said, my voice firm. "I think it would do me some good to get out of here. When Y/N decides to come back, it would give her time to settle in without me being here."

Jin nodded. "I had thought about that as well," he said gently then sighed. "I'm not going to say it's going to be okay since no one knows that. I'm just letting you know that I will be here for you. In any way that you need me."

I gave Jin another grateful smile. "I appreciate it," I said. "Can you let Jennie know on the way out about the trip? Have her start setting up my flight and accommodations please."

"Sure no problem," Jin replied. "I have a meeting in 10 so I will see you later. Call me, text me if you need anything," he said before giving me a quick hug and leaving the office.

I thought about Jin's offer again. As much as I would love to be positive about a future with Y/N, I knew that as more days passed, the chance of her getting her memory back decreased. I needed to start thinking about the fact that she may never remember me.


On a Friday afternoon, four days after my parents arrived, I was sitting on the couch in the apartment they had rented for me. I was surprised the doctors had released me so soon, but they said that except for my memory, my mental capacity was fine. The headaches had faded to just a dull pain. My arm was still in a cast but would be for another 6 weeks. I was lucky that I was able to write decently with my left hand. It was a skill I had practiced in high school.

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