Chapter 18: "... to help her love me again."

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As I headed back to the office, I couldn't get the smiles on Taehyung and Jungkook's faces out of my mind. They had looked so happy when I had called them those familiar nicknames and Taehyung's smile couldn't get any brighter when I remembered his favorite drink.

I walked into the receptionist area and saw Jimin coming out of his office, a grin on his face. "Hey Y/N," he said by way of greeting. "How did it go with Joy?"

I hesitated not wanting to admit that there was something about the girl that made me uncomfortable. "It... it went fine," I replied, only partially lying since the tour did in fact go fine. It just bothered me that Joy asked way too many questions about Taehyung: where he was from, how old he was, his favorite foods.

Jimin noticed my hesitation because he came over to me, bending down a little so he could look me in the eyes. "Tell me the truth," he coaxed. "You can't lie to me."

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "It's nothing really," I began. "Joy... just asked a lot of questions about Tae and it... it bothered me." I felt the heat rush up my cheeks at my words.

Jimin grinned at my words. "It did, huh?" he asked, a smug smile on his face, but the smile disappeared when he realized I was serious. "What kind of questions?"

I explained to Jimin the conversation I had with Joy and noticed the smug smile disappearing from his face replaced with a look of irritation. I knew right then that my concerns were not completely unfounded. They were definitely strange questions to be asking about your boss.

Jimin tapped his bottom lip with his fingers, deep in thought. "It might be a good idea to make it clear to Joy that our Tae is not available," he suggested, the smug smile returning. "Not available at all."

Sighing, I directed my gaze away from Jimin. "Technically he is available," I replied. "I don't remember him so why shouldn't he find someone that makes him happy." As much as the statement hurt me, I knew it was something that was true, something that had to be said, to be admitted.

Jimin's eyes widened and it was the first time I had seen him look angry since all this had happened. "No honey," he argued. "Available is the furthest thing from what Tae is right now. Tae loves you. Only you. He has no interest in finding anyone else at all."

I was surprised by Jimin's words. I knew he had been hoping I would remember Taehyung eventually, but I figured he would prefer for his friend to be happy. "What if I never remember him?" I finally asked, the question being one of the things that had been bothering me.

Jimin gave me a reassuring smile. "Then I guess you would just have to fall in love with him all over again. Get to know him again," he suggested. Jimin looked down at his watch. "Will you please make some copies of the agenda for the department head meeting?"

I nodded and Jimin handed me a document. "Of course," I answered. "I'll be back in a few minutes." Jimin nodded and patted my shoulder, a familiar gesture of affection. I left the office and walked down the corridor to the copy machine on this floor. As I copied the agenda, I thought about what Jimin said. Would that be possible? Clearly I fell in love with Taehyung before. Would it be possible to fall in love with him again? I definitely felt the pull for him and it was stronger than anything else I had ever experienced in my life.

I finished the copies and headed back to the office, my mind filled with thoughts of Taehyung. As I approached, I heard a voice behind me call my name and I turned to see Hoseok standing behind me, a hesitant smile on his face. "Hi Hobi," I said, unsure if he was comfortable with the nickname that fell off my lips so comfortably.

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