Chapter 12: "But I couldn't figure out why."

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Taehyung POV:

On Monday morning, I walked into the company building and headed straight for my office. I hadn't slept well the night before since I stayed in the house. Namjoon and Jin had stayed with me since Y/N's parents had spent the last two nights with Y/N at her new apartment. The guys had all offered to stay with me in the house, but the memories were too much. I had my stuff in my car and would be staying with Jimin and Jungkook until I made a more permanent decision. At this point, I was thinking the best thing to do would be to sell the house.

I had several meetings before lunch and a conference call at 1:00. Although it would be a busy day, I was actually looking forward to it. The mundane conversations would keep my mind busy and hopefully would prevent me from getting lost in my thoughts about Y/N.

Jennie was already at her desk when I arrived. "Good morning Mr. Kim," she said, looking up from her computer and giving me a smile. "Mr. Park said to please call him when you get in."

I looked down at my cell phone and noticed I had two missed calls from Jimin. He must have tried to reach me there first. "Thanks," I said halfheartedly. Jennie gave me another smile, but this one was sad. She knew exactly what was going on but had chosen not to bring up the situation and for that I was grateful. I walked into my office, closing the door gently behind me.

I picked up my office phone and dialed Jimin's extension. He picked up almost immediately. "Park speaking. How can I help you?" he asked, his sweet voice polite and formal. The business side of Jimin always made me smile. The way he could switch from intimidating business man to sweet cuddly best friend was almost startling.

"Hey Jimin. It's tae," I replied. "What's going on?

Jimin's voice changed immediately. "Tae, how you feeling today?" he questioned, his voice filled with obvious worry.

"I... I don't know," I said honestly. I was never sure how to answer that question anymore. I didn't know how I was feeling anymore. After the accident, all I could think about was Y/N waking up and coming back to me, but after visiting her the one time, it was like talking to a stranger. As much as the thought destroyed me, the woman in that hospital room was not the woman I knew.

"I wanted to let you know that Y/N is coming back to work today," Jimin replied. "I didn't want you to be surprised by it." Jimin's sensitivity was absolutely amazing. It was one of the reasons him and Y/N got along so well. They were both so tuned into everyone's feelings and emotions and they always knew just what to say to make things better.

"I figured as much," I said. "But I didn't think she would be coming back so soon." And I was telling the truth. I didn't think she would come back to work so soon after being released from the hospital, but it was not my business what she chose to do.

"Yeah I had the same idea but she... she said she doesn't want to sit in her empty apartment," Jimin said gently. His words didn't really surprise me. Y/N hated being idle. She was always on the move, always wanting to be active. It was yet another one of the things I loved about her. "I saw the travel vouchers this morning. They came across my desk for approval. Did you offer to take the Japan trip next week?"

"Yeah. I did. Jin came down and told me about it. He said if I wanted to go, he would take care of my accounts here," I replied. "Jiminie I need to get out of here for a little bit."

Jimin sighed and I knew he must be running a hand through his hair, the way he does when things are bothering him. "I know you do Tae. I just wanted... I wanted to make sure that you were certain about this," he said, his voice gentle.

"I am. I am sure," I responded, my voice steady. I knew all my friends were suffering right along with me but I knew Jimin was the one who truly knew how I felt. He had lost his best friend, his closest confidante, and his partner in crime. Those two were truly inseparable. I almost felt a little guilty running away to Japan knowing that Jimin would be in the office with her everyday. Even if I was in the office, I was five floors away from Y/N, so the chances of running into her were slim. There would be no getting away for Jimin.

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