Chapter 24: "... then fight for her and don't let her go."

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After Taehyung left, my mind was consumed with thoughts of him. I knew I should feel embarrassed about what had just happened, but I couldn't. Something about his hands on me felt so right, felt like it was always supposed to be that way. After locking up and putting our cups in the sink, I headed to my bathroom. I washed up and took my makeup off then brushed my teeth.

Changing into a pair of pajamas, I climbed into bed, thinking about the evening with Taehyung. I loved how he had been so respectful of me and was only willing to touch me after I practically begged him to. I wish he had stayed but I understood why he didn't. I knew he felt like it was rushing me, but even though my mind didn't remember him completely, my body did. I had been getting flashes of memories lately, more often over the last few days and it was enough to completely convince me that I had been head over heels in love with Taehyung. That he was the man I wanted to spend my life with, spend the rest of eternity with. With those thoughts, I fell into a sleep filled with dreams of a sexy man with a deep voice, soft lips, and skilled fingers.

The next morning I woke refreshed and happy. This was the last day in the office before our flight out on Sunday and I knew the temporary secretary was coming in today. The agency had assured they would send either a male or an older woman and I hoped they would keep their word. I didn't want to leave for three weeks and leave Jimin with someone who would make him uncomfortable.

After showering and putting on my makeup, I slipped on a black dress that hit just above the knee and added a cropped white jacket. I added a pair of gold earrings then my watch. After putting it back on, I hadn't taken off the bracelet that was clearly a gift from Taehyung. He hadn't said anything about it and I wondered if he noticed. I had just picked my phone up off the charger and was heading out to work when the text notification went off. I picked up the phone and grinned at the contact name.

After sending a couple of messages back and forth, I stuck my phone in my bag, a smile on my face at the sweet messages. It just helped to solidify the fact that this man was undeniably caring and the most genuine person I had ever met.

I left the apartment and walked the short distance to the office. Walking into the building, I waved at several people who called my name, returning their friendly hellos. It made me feel good to know the people in the company cared for me the way they did.

Taking the elevator to the top floor, I couldn't help but smile again thinking of Taehyung. The elevator stopped and the doors opened and the man that was on my mind stepped into the elevator. Taehyung grinned when he saw me and I couldn't help but return the smile.

"Good morning Tae. How was the conference call?" I remembered him telling me he had to be at the office early for it.

Taehyung nodded his head. "It went good. On Monday afternoon, we're meeting with the CEO of the company there to talk about the merger for the project. He seems excited to meet with us."

I hesitated before speaking again. "Thank... thank you again for last night. I really had a good time." I looked down at the ground, afraid to meet his eyes.

Taehyung touched my chin, lifting my gaze to his. "So did I. I really enjoyed spending time with you again." His eyes darted to my lips and I wanted so badly for him to kiss me, but the elevator dinged, signaling the production floor. "Um... this is my stop. I'll see you later?" Taehyung's voice was hopeful and I nodded.

"Maybe... maybe we could have lunch together?" I suggested it and was instantly glad I did with the bright smile that lit up his face.

"I would love that." Taehyung ran a hand down my hair then quickly exited the elevator.

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