Chapter 16: "... she had absolutely nothing to worry about."

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I left Taehyung's office with a smile on my face. He had seemed happy to see me and the hug he had given me was the first time he had touched me since I had woken up. I wasn't expected the sudden embrace and I definitely wasn't expecting the emotions that rushed through me like a tidal wave at the feel of his strong arms around me.

Jennie wasn't in the office when I left and I felt a little down. I had wanted to talk to the sweet woman for a minute. From what her husband said, I had been close with Jennie and I wanted to work on bringing that friendship back.

When I got back to the office, Jimin came out, running his hands through his hair, mussing up the perfectly styled strands. "Is everything okay Jiminie?" I asked, laying a hand on his shoulder.

Jimin sighed but gave me a soft smile. "Jennie's son tore a ligament in his knee at soccer practice. He needs to undergo surgery so she is going to be out for the next six weeks. Damn it!" he snapped out. "And with Tae's trip coming up too!"

I was so focused on the news about Jennie that I barely heard what Jimin had said. "Tae's trip?" I asked.

Jimin turned to me. "Um... yeah. He's heading to Japan for three weeks at the end of the week," he explained, his eyes filling with concern. "So I've spent the last 15 minutes on the phone trying to find a temporary secretary with a passport who can accompany him."

"Oh," I replied. "I... I didn't know." I didn't know why I felt so hurt at the news. I wondered why he didn't tell me, but then remembered that he really had no obligation to tell me anything. To me, it just felt like another thing that was separating us. And the idea of someone else traveling with him? Staying in hotels with him? That made me feel even worse. Hopefully his temporary secretary would be a nice older woman or better yet, a man.

Turning at the sound of his phone ringing, Jimin went back into his office. His frown began to dissipate as he spoke to the person on the other end. He ended the call and came back into the waiting area, a small smile on his face. "That was the agency. They found someone who can replace Jennie. Thank goodness she has a passport," he relayed.

My heart dropped a little at his words. She? So Taehyung was getting a female secretary. I couldn't stop the pang of jealousy that crashed into me at the thought; however, I could still hope that the woman would be older.

Jimin patted my shoulder. "It's going to be okay," he said. "Tae loves you and only you. No secretary is going to capture his attention. I promise you that."

I looked up at Jimin, stunned into silence. I hadn't realized what I was feeling was so clear across my face. "I'm... I'm not worried," I mumbled. "Tae's... he's free to do whatever he wishes." The words killed me to say them but I didn't want Jimin to know the depth of my feelings about the situation.

Putting an arm around me, Jimin pulled me in close. "According to Tae, you're still his fiancé. He hasn't let go of the hope that you're going to remember him, to love him as you did before, to marry him," he said, his voice gentle. He ran a soothing hand through my hair and I smiled at the gesture that feels familiar.

"Thank you my Jiminie," I replied, looping an arm around his waist and hugging him tight. "Somehow you always know what to say to make me feel better. To make me fell like this is where I'm supposed to be. With you. With Tae."

"Because this is where you're supposed to be. With me. With Tae," Jimin insisted, pulling me in closer. "Now please don't worry about the secretary. If I think it's a problem, I'll get rid of her."

Even though I really had no claim over Taehyung, I did feel better knowing the CEO of the company had my back.

Taehyung POV:

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