Chapter 41: "... eager to get back to my girl."

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As I waited for my computer to shut down, I packed up my stuff. After lunch and the drama that had ensued, the rest of the afternoon had been me catching up on all the things I had missed while I was in Japan. Jimin had been especially needy, more so than usual, and I couldn't help but laugh at the way the CEO of the company turned into this cute whiny boy in my presence. He had stayed by my side most of the afternoon, choosing instead to sit in the outer office and work on his laptop, rather than sitting in his comfortable office. When I asked why, he just said it was too cold in there, but I could see right through him.

The outer office was currently empty since Jimin had been called into a last minute conference call with Hiroki Kimura. Normally, I would be there to take notes, but he had me finishing up the edits on proposal draft and had insisted he was okay. Knowing he may be a bit, I was just getting ready to head out when his office door opened and he stepped out, running a hand through his already messy hair. "Leaving already?" Jimin's eyes were filled with curiosity as he looked at the bags in my hands.

"Yeah. It's already almost 6." I gestured towards the clock and Jimin's eyes widened in surprise.

"Shit Y/N. I'm sorry. I didn't realize the call was so long." Jimin dropped down into a chair and rubbed a hand over his face, a gesture I recognized as him showing his stress.

I set my bags down on the chair then sat next to him, reaching out for a hand. "Is everything okay my Jiminie?"

Jimin sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Just a problem with one of the locations, but we got it sorted out." Jimin turned to face me, taking my other hand. "But how about you? I heard about the mess downstairs. Is everything okay?"

Nodding my head, I gave him a reassuring grin. "Yeah it's okay. Liv... he was kind of hoping that I would get back together with Cam, but I made it clear that my relationship with Cam is over. There's no chance of getting pulled into that craziness." I looked down at my hands, which Jimin was still holding. "From the way it sounded, I think Liv's whole reasoning behind wanting to see Cam and me together again is because he sees my friendship with you. Liv and I? We used to be close. Almost as close as me and you."

I felt Jimin's fingers tighten around my own and I had to smile. He had always been a jealous best friend. It was something about him that I had adored. "Did you make it clear to this old best friend that you have a new, better, more handsome one now?" Jimin's voice was full of mischief but I could see the tinge of insecurity in his face.

"Don't you worry my Jiminie. I'm not looking for anyone to replace you. I promise." Jimin let out an audible sigh of relief at my words and I couldn't help but laugh. "I do miss him though. I don't know why we lost touch. It's one of those memories in my mind that isn't clear."

"Did you ask Oliver about it? Maybe he will know something."

Jimin was right. Oliver would definitely know something, some reason why we had suddenly stopped talking to each other. "You're right. He gave me his number before he left. I'll send him a text, find out what's going on." Standing up, I pulled Jimin to his feet. "But I'm heading home and you need to do the same."

Nodding his head, Jimin wrapped me in his arms, hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad you're back. No more trips for you. As your boss, I forbid it."

Ruffling his hair, I kissed his cheek. "No worries. I don't want to take another trip anytime soon. I promise."


Giving him a last squeeze, I picked up my stuff and headed out of the office, my curiosity now piqued about what took place between Oliver and me. I remember being so close to him, but why would we suddenly have so much distance? Not see each other for almost four years? I just didn't understand it.

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