Chapter 4: "Can I see you?"

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Taehyung POV:

I woke up at dawn the morning after leaving the hospital, Yeontan cuddled next to my side. He usually slept in his bed, but must have known I didn't want to be alone. I pet him for a moment, running my hand through his soft fur. I hadn't slept well the night before and only did since Jimin insisted on giving me a sleeping pill. I laid there in my bed thinking of all that had happened the day before. It just didn't feel real. My best friend, my fiancé and the love of my life had no idea who I was. It was a nightmare come to life.

I pushed back the comforter that had been covering me and slowly sat up. My head was pounding from the amount of tears I had cried the night before. When we got back to Y/N and my house, Jimin and Jungkook had ordered food, forcing me to eat something. I wanted to refuse but those two would not take no for an answer. I smiled at the memory. Jimin and Jungkook were definitely a force to be reckoned with. It's probably why they were so perfect for each other.

I got off the bed and went into the bathroom, looking for a bottle of ibuprofen. I knew Y/N kept some in her medicine cabinet for when she had her monthly cycle. Her cramps from it would bring her to tears sometimes, so I would always bring her chocolate, warm blankets, and a heating pad.

After swallowing a couple ibuprofen with some water from the sink, I headed downstairs, Yeontan padding along silently behind me. As I approached the kitchen, I could hear voices accompanied by occasional sniffles. Jimin was sitting at the island with a cup of coffee. He had his head buried in his arms and was sobbing his heart out. Jungkook sat next to him, rubbing his back. Jungkook turned when he heard my footsteps.

Jimin quickly sat up, wiping his face. "I'm... I'm so sorry that you had to see that," he said softly.

I pulled him off the stool and hugged him tightly. Jimin was Y/N's best friend. He was probably hurting almost as much as I was. "It's okay, Jiminie. You're allowed to be sad too," I said.

Jimin sobbed into my shirt. "I was trying to be strong for you," he wailed, "but I don't how to do this without her. She's my best friend."

I rubbed Jimin's back as he cried. I looked up and caught Jungkook's eye. He had silent tears rolling down his cheeks. This was going to be hard on all of us. We all loved Y/N in our own way, even Yoongi. She would text him early in the morning just to bug him and he would complain, but we all know he didn't really mind. He even called me one morning when she had overslept and didn't text him. He was worried about her and checking up on her.

After Jimin's sobs calmed down, we all took a seat at the island. None of us were in the mood to do anything, especially cook. I was just thinking about making something when the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and smiled at the two people on the other side.

Jin had several bags of food and Namjoon was carrying a tray of drinks. "We figured you wouldn't be in the mood to cook this morning," Jin said gently, gesturing towards the bags. Their sweet gesture touched me and I gave them a sad but grateful smile.

Jin took the food into the kitchen and Namjoon followed him with the drinks. Jungkook helped Jin pass out the food, while Jimin got out utensils.

Namjoon sat down and took a sip of his coffee before speaking. "How you doing today, Tae?" he asked softly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I... I don't really know. It doesn't all feel real, you know?" I replied.

Namjoon just nodded his head, giving me a sad smile. "It's going to be okay," he said.

"What if it isn't?" I asked. "What if she never remembers me? What am I going to do without her?" The tears I had been holding back burned my eyes. "I've been planning my life around a future that no longer exists."

Jin got up and came over to me, wrapping both arms around my shoulders from behind. "Don't think so negatively, Taehyungie. Y/N loves you just as much as you love her. You two are soulmates. You're destined to be together. I believe in my heart that things are going to be okay. Maybe not today, tomorrow or even next week, but I have faith."

"Can you have enough faith for both of us because right now, mine is running pretty low," I replied with a dry laugh.

We finished the meal, making small talk about random things. Jimin had taken the day off, along with Jungkook, but Namjoon and Jin were heading into the company since they were working today. After we had all graduated college, Jimin gave us positions in his company he started. We had hesitated to take the positions since we didn't want them just because he was our friend. Jimin insisted, saying he wanted to build the company with his best friends. It had been a huge success so far.

Jimin had built the company from the ground up and had come farther than we had originally expected. You wouldn't guess he was the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company by looking at him right now with his messy blond hair and dinosaur onesie. Jungkook was in charge of the graphic design department. Namjoon and Yoongi produced the music in the company. Jin was the head of the finance department and I worked alongside him. Hoseok was in charge of marketing and the social media aspect of the company.

Jimin and Jungkook convinced me to leave the house for a little while, even if it was just a short walk to the park with Yeontan. The little dog was excited to be out in the fresh air. Jimin had been coming everyday to take him out, but I'm sure it wasn't the same. The weather was beautiful and I had to admit being out in the sunshine did make me feel a bit better. It was hard being in the house I had shared with Y/N especially considering the last time I had been there was the day I proposed. My heart clenched at the thought of that day, but I pushed it aside.

Just as we arrived at the park, my phone rang. I looked down and was surprised to see her name. I answered it quickly, trying to keep my voice steady. "He...hello?" I stammered out, internally smacking myself.

"Um... Taehyung?" she asked softly and my heart melted at the sound of my name coming from her lips. "Can I see you?"

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