Chapter 30: "... she was mine."

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I couldn't stop the words from spilling from my lips but knew they were the words I needed to say, wanted to say, wanted him to hear. Regardless of everything that happened, the fact that I loved Taehyung was clearer to me than anything else that had happened so far. The realization that this is where I was supposed to be was completely obvious, even if I was scared to admit it. It reminded me of what Jimin had said: my mind may not remember them, but my heart definitely does.

I carefully studied his face, worried that it was not what he wanted to hear at the moment, but my worries disappeared completely when I caught the expression on his face. The way Taehyung's eyes lit up and the way his mouth dropped open in surprise completely melted my heart.

"You... you love me?" Taehyung's words were soft as though he was afraid to ask, afraid of what the answer might be. His eyes searched my face as though looking for any indication that I didn't mean it, that my words were not true.

"Yes Tae. I love you. I may not completely remember our life together, but there's something in my mind telling me without a doubt that you are mine, that we shared this beautiful life together." I knew things were still going to be challenging, that there were still things we needed to figure out, but I knew I wanted to try. Every part of me was screaming that Taehyung was mine, that he is whom I am supposed to be with. I don't know exactly what was going to happen with everything, but I also knew that I wasn't ready to let go of him. And I also knew I would never be ready.

"I love you. I love you. I love you so fucking much." Taehyung's pretty eyes filled with tears that spilled down his cheeks, dripping onto my face as he pulled me close to him, burying his face in my neck. "I was so afraid, so damn afraid that I would never hear you say those words again. I've been so scared that you were going to decide that this is too difficult for you, that you don't... that you don't want me anymore."

The realization of the pain he had gone through broke my heart into pieces and I couldn't imagine what he had experienced. Part of me had grasped something that day I had woken up in the hospital and the look on his face when I told him to leave, the emptiness that filled my entire being when he walked out the door. I remember feeling so hurt when he didn't come and visit me again, when he picked up my parents outside the hospital, when he didn't contact me again. There was something telling me that not having him by my side was wrong. I felt the same thing when Jimin visited, when I had that irresistible urge to hug him, to wipe the tears from his face.

Taehyung wiped the tears from his face and grinned at me. "How... how about we go get some food?" His quick change of subject was endearing and I knew it was to take the attention away from his tears, from the emotions that seemed ready to overtake him.

Grateful for his way to make the whole situation less awkward, I grinned. "Sounds like a great idea to me. Any place particular in mind?"

Thinking for a moment, Taehyung nodded. "I... I have a place in mind. Would... would you be willing to go there with me?"

Confused by his hesitation, but willing to trust him completely, I nodded. "Where ever you want to go, I'll be willing to go." Standing up, I quickly pulled my clothes back on, a little embarrassed by the way I had been so eager for him to touch me, eager to feel his hands, his lips, his tongue.

Sensing my slight discomfort, Taehyung reached out for my hand, pulling me close to stand between his legs where he was still seated on the bed. "Please baby. Don't... don't regret what happened. This was one of the best days of my life since all this happened. Please." He cupped my cheeks between his hands and pulled me in for a sweet kiss. "Please. It... it reminded me of all the times we used to spend together. How many times I made love to you right here in this bed." He leaned his forehead against mine, the love clear in his eyes.

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