Chapter 17: "I began to formulate a plan."

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I had just walked into the office the next morning, a smile on my face. I had spent the evening sending text messages back and forth with Taehyung. He had told me a little bit about our relationship and some things about myself I didn't remember. He also told me a little bit more about Jimin and the friendship I had with him. Besides not remembering Taehyung, I think I was the saddest about Jimin. From what Taehyung had told me, we were exceptionally close, almost as close as me and Taehyung had been.

I turned on my computer and placed my purse inside my desk drawer when the door opened and a young pretty woman walked into the room. She was a little taller than I was and had straight black hair that hung down to the middle of her back and wide dark eyes. I was stunned by how exceptionally pretty she was.

"Good morning," she said. "My name is Joy. I'm looking for Mr. Park's secretary."

"That would be me," I replied, gesturing towards myself. "My name is Y/N. How can I help you?"

Joy smiled, but it almost seemed forced. "I am Mr. Kim's temporary secretary. Mr. Park told me that you would help me get acclimated to the building."

My heart dropped at her words. This beautiful young girl was going to be Taehyung's new secretary? The idea of it made me almost sick to my stomach. "Well nice to meet you and welcome aboard," I replied, trying to hide my displeasure at knowing the woman would be working closely with Taehyung and accompanying him to japan. For three weeks. "Give me just a moment. I need to check Jimin's schedule for today and then I can take you on a quick tour."

I didn't miss the way Joy's eyes narrowed when I said Jimin, but I ignored it. I ran through the schedule, making note of meetings, things he would need copied, and prioritized the phone calls he would need to make. I printed out the schedule, adding a couple notes here and there. Just as I finished, Jimin walked into the office, a smile on his face.

"Good morning Y/N," Jimin said, pulling me to his side for a quick hug. "How's my girl this morning?"

"I'm just fine Jiminie," I replied, noticing the smile on his face when I called him Jiminie.

"I see you met Tae's secretary," Jimin said, gesturing towards Joy. "Can you take her on a tour and get her set up?"

I sent him a grin then passed him the day's schedule. "Already planned on it. Here's your schedule. You have a meeting with the department heads at 10, so I rescheduled your phone call with the CEO of Atlas Inc. for 1:00. I sent him an email and he already replied. That time works better for him anyway," I stated, going over the changes I had made.

Jimin grinned at me again. "This is why I need you by my side. Have I told you how happy I am that you're back?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes at him, but laughed anyway. "Only a few times so far," I replied, my tone dry. I turned back to Joy. "Let's go ahead and get started."

Joy nodded and followed me out of the office and to the elevator. We waited in silence until she spoke suddenly. "You seem to know Mr. Park very well," she said, her voice sounding strange.

I nodded my head. "I've worked for him for a while now," I replied, not wanting to explain too much of the situation. The elevator arrived and we stepped on, me pressing the button for Taehyung's floor. "Jennie, Tae's secretary, did his scheduling, answered phones, took notes during meetings, and filed documents. There is a department head meeting this morning so you will need to attend that with Tae."

Joy nodded. "Are you close to Mr. Kim too?" she asked.

I went to answer her but the elevator doors opened and I led the way to Taehyung's office. I pushed pulled opened the door and gestured for her to go in. I followed her into the receptionist area, seeing Taehyung standing at his desk, talking on the phone. He looked up when we came in and gave me a wave and a smile, holding up one finger, silently asking me to give him a minute.

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