Chapter 38: "What if I want you forever?"

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As we stepped through the gates of Tokyo Disneyland, I couldn't stop the squeal of excitement that spilled past my lips. Everything was so brightly colored and beautiful that I couldn't even believe we were here, that he had taken me to such an amazing place. Taehyung laughed at the sound, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close. "You're so cute baby."

Clinging tightly to Taehyung's arm, I bounced up and down on my toes as we waited in line to get in. Taehyung laughed at my enthusiasm, but I could see the excitement in his own face. This was a new place for both of us and the perfect place to make a new memory at. After handing over our tickets, we made our way up the streets of the World Bazaar and I could see Cinderella's Castle in the distance. "Look Tae. Look!" I pointed to the castle, my happiness taking over me and Taehyung laughed again.

"I see it. What do you want to do first?" Taehyung opened up the map that he had picked up at the gate and I looked over at it happily, unsure of where to start, what to do check out first.

"Oh my gosh! There's so much to do! I don't know! What do you think?" I turned to Taehyung and he grinned at me before studying the map, looking at all the options available, from rides to shops to shows.

Pointing to the right side of the map, Taehyung tapped it with his finger. "How about we start in Tomorrowland and make our way around from there. We can go ride Space Mountain."

Nodding in agreement, I tugged his hand and pulled him down the street, unable to keep in my eagerness for everything that we could do and ready to get started. As we walked, my eyes darted over everything and I couldn't get enough. It was absolutely beautiful and set up unlike anything I had ever seen. As we got closer to the castle, I couldn't contain my delight and Taehyung tugged me to a stop, pulling out his phone, turning the camera on and flipping it around.

"Come on baby. Let's take a picture in front of the castle. It can be one of our first new memories together." Pulling me close to his side, Taehyung took our photo and when he showed it to me, I could see the looks of absolute bliss on both of our faces. "If you really like this place, we'll have to make plans to go to Disney World."

"I would love that! Could... do you think everyone would go?" I was nervous to ask that question, not sure if the others would go, but I remembered the photo on Jimin and Jungkook's wall of the trip to Hawaii and I would love to take another trip with them, build new memories with them all.

Taehyung nodded. "Of course. You definitely know your Jiminie would be in. You could ask him to go skinny dipping in a tub of mayonnaise in the middle of the busy supermarket and he would agree to it, no questions asked."

Pinching Taehyung's side, I laughed at his silly response, but deep down I partially knew he was right. Even if I didn't remember everything about mine and Jimin's friendship, I knew we were close. Closer than two people not in love could be. "It sounds like something we will have to look into."

"Anything for you baby."

After that, we focused our attention on our day at Disneyland. We spent the morning exploring Tomorrowland, riding Space Mountain and the Happy Ride with Baymax. Afterwards, we headed towards ToonTown, where we explored Minnie's house and Chip & Dale's tree house, along with taking pictures with Mickey Mouse. We stopped for lunch in one of the many cute little restaurants before heading to Fantasy Land and whirling around in the teacups.

I couldn't stop the smile that threatened to split my cheeks and my stomach ached from laughing so much, especially when Taehyung was a little wobbly after the teacups. We took more photos in front of Cinderella's Castle and it touched my heart when Taehyung changed the screensaver on his phone to one of the new photos. Knowing the photo was special to him made it seem like things between us were going to be alright.

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