Chapter 39: "... my present and my future."

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The rest of the Japan trip passed smoothly. By the time we left, the script had been started and auditions were well underway. The hybrid movie had a couple of excellent actresses try out for the female lead, both in Japan and at home. The soulmate movie also had some great turnouts for the male lead and I think they were in agreement on whom they were going to give it to. On the last day at Hiroki's company, he had had asked me again if I would be interested in staying, but I had to politely turn him down. If there was any chance of Taehyung and I rebuilding our relationship, we needed to at least be in the same country.

As we said our goodbyes, Hiroki had given me a sad pout, reminding me of Jimin, before hugging me and wishing me well. He had shaken Taehyung's hand, letting him know he was eager to continue working with him. Taehyung and I had said our goodbyes to the rest of the teams earlier in the day and had been surprised with a nice going away lunch. They presented us with small ceramic film statues, little movie reels on top of a flat base. They were etched with the name of the company and were something that was given to each employee. Taehyung and I were touched at the gesture and there were a couple tears shed.

That night as we packed our suitcases, I could see Taehyung looking out the window wistfully. Setting down the jeans I had been folding, I went up behind him, putting my arms around his waist. "You okay Tae?"

Turning to me, Taehyung kissed my nose, giving me a big smile as he wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah. Just a little sad to be leaving. I feel like being here gave us... a fresh start. I've been able to sleep next to you every night and now I'm going to miss it."

I had been wondering the same thing over the last couple of days, thinking about how the relationship would be different once we arrived back home. His words made me feel a little less nervous about going home since I now knew he was feeling the same things that I was. Pulling his lips down to meet mine, I kissed them gently. "I want... want to continue this with you. Continue seeing you, having dinner with you, sleeping... sleeping next to you."

"I know we talked about you keeping your apartment, but will... will you come and spend nights at our house with me?" Taehyung's voice was nervous as though I would say no, but my heart fluttered at the words our house, feeling a sense of relief that he called it our house still.

"I would like that." Kissing him again, I stepped back from his warm embrace. "But for now, I'm going to finish packing so we can go home tomorrow." Taehyung nodded and with a smile on his face went back to putting his clothes in his suitcase.


Stepping out of the airport, I took a deep breath then grinned. "Man. It's good to be home. Japan was beautiful, but there is something about being here that just makes me feel better."

Taehyung slipped his hand in mine and squeezed it tight. "I know what you mean baby."

We stopped at the pickup area, waiting for our ride. A familiar car pulled up and a handsome man with blond hair got out, his face breaking into a grin that turned his dark eyes into perfect crescent moons. "Jiminie!" I released Taehyung's hand and ran over to my best friend, jumping into his outstretched arms. "What are you doing here?"

Jimin hugged me tightly then pulled back, a grin on his face. "I wanted to surprise you so I told Tae last night that I was picking you up. I'm so fucking glad you're back. I missed you."

I couldn't stop the tears that spilled down my cheeks as I kissed his cheek then buried my face in his neck. "I missed you too my Jiminie. So much." Standing there for a moment, I let myself enjoy the comfort of being close to him.

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