Chapter 20: " her fall in love with me again."

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After leaving the cafeteria, I was in a hurry to get back to the office, but more importantly, to get the hell away from Joy. She had spent the entire time asking me questions about Taehyung; questions that made me feel uncomfortable. I may not remember him right now, but deep down I knew he was mine. There was a part of my heart that was insisting he was, a part that was longing to remember him, to pick up where we left off.

After Joy exited the elevator on the finance floor, I let out a sigh of relief as the elevator rose to the top floor. I was muttering to myself as I made my way down the corridor, the girl's words bothering me more than I wanted to admit.

"Who does she think she is asking me about Tae? My Tae? I'll rip her perfect hair out and strangle her with it." I set Jimin's sandwich down on my desk then locked my purse in my desk drawer, shutting the drawer much harsher than I had intended. A clearing of a throat made me turn quickly.

Jimin was leaning against the doorframe, watching me with an amused smile. "Problems?"

I hesitated, my face flushing. "How much of that did you actually hear?" Even though Jimin was my friend, he was also my boss and it probably wasn't appropriate to be caught threatening to kill someone, even if it was just a hypothetical situation.

Jimin grinned. "Enough to hear your... unconventional methods of murder."

I ducked my head in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry Jiminie. I... I know that was extremely unprofessional." I stayed there with my gaze focused on the floor, not wanting to see the disappointment that I was afraid would appear in his eyes.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand lift my chin and direct my eyes up to theirs. "Don't do that with me Y/N. Please. I'm your friend first." Jimin ran a hand down my cheek. "Plus if you decide to murder her, I want to be part of it."

At Jimin's smile, I was unable to hold back a grin of my own. "Sorry about that. I... I was angry."

Jimin pulled me into a hug, running a hand down my hair in a gentle manner that felt so unbelievably natural, comforting that I wanted to sob. "It's going to be okay."

"What if I never remember him? What if he gets tired of waiting and wants to move on? What do I do Jiminie?" finally releasing the fears that I had been holding in all along, I let the tears fall.

"Oh honey. You have nothing to worry about. Tae loves you so much that he would be willing to wait forever for you. I still remember the day Tae met you. He came rushing in, his shirt stained and declared he had met the woman he was going to marry." Jimin leaned back, ducking a little to look me in the eyes. "He loves you. No matter what."

Although Jimin's words were pretty and sweet, there was still the very real knowledge that I may never remember him. "But what if I don't remember him?"

Jimin gave me a soft smile then kissed my cheek. "Then I guess you'll just have to prepare for Tae to make you fall in love with him again. He did it once. I'm pretty sure he can do it again."

"I want to remember him, I do." Jimin noticed the sadness still lingering in my voice and tilted my chin up again.

"What's really going on?" His eyes were worried and filled with concern. "It's more than just this."

I hesitated before opening up to him. "It seemed like everyone was trying to erase him from my life. They wouldn't let me go to our house. When they brought my stuff, there wasn't one photograph of us. Even when I got here, Jennie was clearing off my desk. There.... there was a photo in the box."

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