Chapter 8: "Just a little longer."

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I had just finished my evening meal when my parents returned to the hospital. Once again, I looked behind them waiting for Taehyung to come in but he didn't. Once again, I felt a pang of hurt from this that I couldn't explain.

"Umm... Tae stayed at home to get some work done," my mom explained as she watched me look for him.

Oh. I didn't know why the idea of him not coming to see me hurt so much, but it did. It hurt more than I had thought it would.

"Honey, we wanted to talk to you about what's going to happen when you get released," my mom began, sitting next to my bed and reaching for my hand. "Dad and I would like to get you an apartment close to the company. You are going to go back to work for Jimin, right?"

I nodded my head, remembering Jimin asking me to come back. Something about that messy blond haired man made me feel comfortable and familiar. My mind thought back to the Sold sign I saw in one of the pictures on my phone. "What about the house I lived in?" I asked.

My mom and dad looked at each other, each hesitating to speak. "Well Tae didn't think you would be comfortable there and we agreed with him," my dad finally said. He went to say something else, but my mom shook her head.

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked, my voice worried. Something was going on that they didn't want to say.

My mom finally relented. "Well Tae is going to stay with friends until... until the house sells," she said, her voice sad.

Something about those words made me panic. "What do you mean until the house sells? Why would he sell our house?" I asked, my voice rising in pitch.

My mom stood up and hugged me. "Calm down sweetie. Nothing's for sure yet, but I can understand why Tae would sell the house," she said. "This is the house you shared with him. Poor Tae doesn't want to be in the house without you."

"But why would he sell it? What if I remember him?" I asked, my voice still panicky.

"Y/N, we have to be realistic. As much as I would love for you to remember Tae, there is a chance you won't. Then what? Tae will be stuck living in a house that holds nothing but memories of the life he shared with the girl he loves," my dad explained, his voice calm but short.

I was shocked at his words. My dad never spoke to me in such a rough manner. Taehyung must be important to my parents if my dad was willing to speak out for him. It just gave me another indicator of this man I had been building my life with.

"Mama, I want to remember him. I hear all of these beautiful stories and see these beautiful pictures. The girls were here early and basically described Taehyung as the prince who rescued me from the ogre," I said, my voice sad. "I want to remember this beautiful life with him, but I can't."

"I know you want to, my precious girl. I know you do," my mom said, brushing my hair back from my face. "Unfortunately we have to plan for the right now. And the right now is this situation right here."

"The best thing to do is for us to get you an apartment. Go back to work," my dad said, his voice soft. "Take it one day at a time."

"What if I don't remember him?" I asked.

My dad looked at my mom before turning his gaze back to me, his eyes filled with grief. "Then... then you move on. You let each other go," he said.

My eyes filled with tears at the thought. I couldn't remember this handsome man who was adored by my family and friends, but at the same time, the thought of letting him go was killing me inside.

My parents stayed for a little while longer and we discussed future plans a little more. They made plans to go look for an apartment for me in the morning then come a little after lunch. I wanted to ask them to bring Taehyung back with them but I didn't feel I had the right too. I hadn't seen or heard from him all day and based on the text messages I had read over between us, this was not normal. Even when he would be working, he would send me an I love you or I miss you or Have a good day baby. I never remembered knowing anyone who was so caring or kind. The thought of spending my life with a man like that made my heart flutter a little. I didn't remember him, but I wanted to.

The next morning, I was just finishing breakfast when there was a soft knock on the door. There was a handsome, well built man with dark hair and big doe eyes. I remembered him from the photograph with the messy blond Jimin. "Jungkook right?" I asked.

The man at the door nodded. "Yeah. I'm Jungkook. Strange to hear that coming from you though," he replied, his eyes sad.

"What did I call you?" I questioned, seeing that me saying his given name bothered him.

"I... I was always Kookie to you," Jungkook said, his eyes downcast to the floor.

"You can come in Kookie," I said, the name familiar on my lips, just like Jiminie was yesterday.

Jungkook took a couple steps inside the room, stopping just inside the door. "Um... I can't stay long. I just wanted to come by and see how you're feeling," he said.

"I'm okay. I feel a little better everyday," I replied.

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... that's good to know. Ta... I mean the others have been really worried about you," he replied.

It didn't escape my attention that he started to mention Taehyung's name then stopped himself. I wanted to ask more about this amazing man, but I didn't know what to say. "How is Jimin?" I asked.

Jungkook's eyes got even sadder at my words and I realized I said Jimin and not Jiminie. "He's... he's doing okay," Jungkook replied.

The room was silent for a moment. "I... I guess I better get to work. I hope you feel better soon Y/N," Jungkook said.

I gave him a small smile. "Thanks for coming in," I replied. I wanted so badly to reach out and hug this shy quiet man but I knew that it would make him uncomfortable.

Jungkook gave me a small wave and quickly left the room. His abrupt exit made me sadder than I thought it would. All these people who had been close to me were strangers to me and it hurt. It hurt so badly.

A familiar head peeked its way around the doorframe. A real smile lit up my face. "Reenie! What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice happy.

"Just stopping in on my way to work. Was that JK that just left?" she asked, her eyes filled with questions.

"Kookie?" I asked unsure if it was the same person.

"You and Jimin are the only ones that call him Kookie. The rest of us call him Jungkook or JK," Serena said, her eyes sad.

No wonder he looked so upset when I called him Jungkook. "He was only here for a few minutes. It was pretty awkward," I admitted.

Serena gave me a small smile. "I'm sure it was," she replied. "Did the doctors say anything about releasing you?"

I shook my head. "No. He's going to let me know today. Hopefully it will be soon," I replied. "My mom and dad are out looking for an apartment for me right now."

Serena's face filled with surprise. "You're not going back to yours and Tae's house? But you love that house!"

I shook my head. "I guess Taehyung talked about it with my parents last night. He didn't think I would be comfortable there and my parents agreed with him," I said, picking at the blanket across my legs. "He... he even mentioned selling the house."

Serena's eyes filled with tears. "Oh god. Poor Tae. I can't even imagine what he's going through right now. I honestly can't blame him for thinking of doing that," she said.

"You... you don't think it's too soon to think of something like that?" I asked. "What if my memories come back?"

"What if they don't?" Serena questioned.

It hurt but I knew she was right. It was the same thing my dad had said yesterday. I couldn't expect Taehyung to wait for me forever. I just hope he could wait a little bit longer. Just a little longer.

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