[ Ancano x Reader (II)]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ What ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

“You absolute moron!” Brelyna paced in your room, her grey face scrunched up in pure anger and confusion. J'Zargo chuckled to himself and kept reading a book too heavy for anyone to carry. “WHY did you take the creepy high elf on a DATE!?”

You laughed as you slipped on some good robes that fit your body nicely. You slipped on some jewelry and tried to comb through your hair with your fingers, “Relax, Nini. It seemed like the right thing to do. He also looks like a cool guy! Y'know behind his god complex and all...OW”

You held the back of your head, where Brelyna had smacked you hard. J'Zargo was losing it at this point, his laughter sounded like he was choking and, frankly, you were scared he would spit a fur ball on your back.

“A cool guy? A serial killer, that's what he looks like. Fucking S'wit. You have an awful taste in men...” Brelyna continued, whispering a numerous amount of Dunmeri insults as she took a brush and worked on your hair. You could feel her hatred every time she pulled your hair with it.

“It's not like that!” You could deny your small crush on the high elf as much as you wanted. But an awful taste in men? That you couldn't deny.


Upon arriving at The Frozen Hearth, your eyes scanned the place for any sight of the advisor. You were freezing cold and the fire in the middle of the room looked inviting enough for you to throw yourself inside the flames. Ancano sat on a chair close to it, heating up his hands with an angry look on his already angry face.

“Hello~” You greeted, sitting next to him and offering him a smile. He responded with a sneer. Asshole.

Brelyna's words echoed in your mind for a second but you pressed on. You ordered a bottle of wine for him and mead for you. He seemed to slowly open up yet he talked in a whisper, maybe afraid of being heard by others.

“Drink this” You pushed the mead against his chest, smiling. He looked at you like you were crazy.

“No, it's disgusting” he spat angrily

“Bah, you're just weak”

“I am not!”

You smirked at his reaction “Ye. Milk drinker” you said, gulping down a good amount of the drink, yet you felt his lithe hands clasp the bottle and pry it from your hands.

You watched as he took a large sip, feeling brave, yet his determination diminished by the second, his face scrunching up while trying to swallow the thing. Laughter bubbled up on your chest and you covered your mouth with your hand.

“It tastes like the urine of a horse” he decided with a disgusted face, handing you the bottle rather harshly.

“Wait” You laughed “How do you know how horse piss tastes like?”

He facepalmed and looked at the floor “Why do I even bother..” he said, sounding rather disappointed. Yet there was the ghost of a smile on his thin lips, it made you happy that he could laugh at your stupid joke.

You two spent the whole time talking, he smiled at your jokes and told you about the teachers in the College, you gossiped about how annoying some of your classmates were.. no matter if you were talking about an all powerful daedric artifact or your mom's garden, he always looked at you with a grin, attentive and listening. You loved that.

The walk back to the College was slow, calm. At least your inebriated state made you warm enough to endure the ten minutes up.

“I miss the Summerset Isles” He said, his voice calmer than usual. You looked at him; his cheeks and the tip of his ears were slightly rosy from alcohol and cold, you found it rather endearing “The ocean breeze was warm even on the darkest nights”

You smiled, your gaze rising to the sky. “Sounds like a beautiful place. You'll have to take me there some day”

He hummed, smiling calmly at you. You liked this side of him, and you felt flattered he liked you enough to show it to you. “It is...”

With a contempt sigh you both reached the Hall of Attainment, everyone was asleep, the place was dead silent. Upon reaching the stairwell, you turned to face each other.

“I had a really good time” He confessed, calmly. “Same time, next Fredas?”

You smirked widely “Sounds like a plan”

Surprisingly, he leaned towards you and stared into your eyes. Grinning at your bewilderment, he caressed your cheek softly before giving your lips a short peck.

“See you tomorrow”

You were a blushing mess. You stood there for a good minute before letting out a girlish laugh.

“Don't talk about it!” Ancano threatened, pointing at you.

“Oh, I'm gonna brag about it to everyone”

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