[ Lucien Lachance x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Darkness ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Life in Leyawiin was fairly simple. Most of your days were spent tending to the shop, making business with the local farmers and smiths, and at the set of the sun you would sit under the shadow of the Topal the Pilot statue to enjoy an apple.

There was no problem with your life, but you were alone out here and the desire for a greater purpose was taking a toll on you with the passing days.

Luckily for you, those feelings were diminished by the presence of a handsome young Breton you had met a month ago. Darcy was his name and he had swept you off your feet at the local inn, to the rhythm of the bard's drum. You never thought you'd meet your only one, but his sweet gaze and sonorous laugh had convinced you enough.

You two spent hours talking about various things, conversations with him were never tiring, he even helped you with the shop which had been going well for the past few months.

Life was looking at you with bright eyes and you couldn't wait for your family to come back home from Hammerfell, and see the pride in their eyes as they looked at what you've achieved.

One night Darcy had lit up some candles, sung you a song and waltzed into your bedchamber, his tender touches and warm skin against yours took you to the stars, his voice in the dark, whispering your name, his lips against yours, the smell of wine and pine trees.

You fell asleep at peace that night.

That peace was cut short with the scrambling of clothes and feet, with metallic sounds and a pounding headache at three in the morning.

Upon taking in your surroundings, you couldn't find Darcy anywhere, yet you could assume he was doing something by the clacking of metal at the downstairs. Sloppily putting on your clothes, you stepped into the cold wood and followed the sound, only to find him taking the Septims from the now unlocked chest for the shop.

This shouldn't be true, this can't be true, his sweet gaze and warm smile were now icy, almost mocking, as he stepped closer to you with a dagger in hand.

Betrayal! Heartbreak! You felt the vision of your life crumbling to pieces with the way he used you.

You saw red.

Next thing you knew his dagger was in your hands, the haven of peace that was your house was suddenly home to bloodshed, with you straddling the still warm body of the man you had once loved.

With a bitter, metallic taste on your mouth, you changed your clothes, took your prized possessions and ran away, leaving behind you only a hastily scrawled note.

"May the Nine grant amnesty to my sins, for I regret nothing"

The next few weeks you spent walking further away from the place you had called home, cautious to stay in the roads, waring off dangers you thought to be only legends, without path, without fate.

You ended up on the Gottshaw Inn, close to Kvatch. Maybe, you thought with a bottle of bitter ale in your hand, I can take a ship from Anvil and sail from there. Start a new life somewhere beyond.

With thoughts of tomorrow you fell asleep on the hay mattress, after a stressful week of vigil.

When you woke up at sunrise, you half expected to see your room, Darcy laying beside you with all of this being but a bad dream. Instead, you were greeted by a presence cloaked by pure darkness in those far corners.

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