[ Lucien Lachance x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Profane ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

His heart stopped when your eyes met his.

He had just finished a contract, blood splattered on his black robes and gloves, and a terrible scene just past the window behind him, covered by heavy curtains and invisible to anyone that wasn't him. A chameleon spell concealed his body from any prying eyes, and he should have the confidence of a strong cover and years of experience to get out of this one alive and unseen.

But there he was, still as a corpse, for your eyes stared into his soul with such curious intensity. Coul you see him? Were you watching him from afar, noticing his movement in the shadows? His suspicions died down for a bit as you turned left and walked away, it felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders and he scolded himself for thinking such silly things.

He still decided to pay you a visit that night.

He could leave no witnesses.

It was dark. True dark, no stars or moonlight. Shadows that concealed and embraced him as he stepped into your home, not even the wood that usually creaked when stepped on took notice of him, and a dagger on his hand, ready to spill the blood of those who knew.

Further he stepped into the depths of your home, soon he felt the slight and almost unnoticeable feeling of magic. He put a palm up, felt the air past him and found a barrier, painful touch. A ward spell.

"I figured you'd be coming" your voice graced his ears down from the shadows, and his heart skipped a beat.

"How?" For the deep surprise that he held, his voice was but a rasped out whisper, neutral and cold but barely tangible.

You tapped your lower eyelid twice, a smirk on your face, "Keen eye" candles lit up your home, and you stared at him with a calmness he never saw on his presence. His eyes examined your face, gracefully lit up by the dancing flames, and he found himself mesmerized by it. And he didn't want to admit but the lack of fear in your eyes was a relief.

"You could not have seen me." He assured himself, the chuckled that left your lips betrayed his confidence "Who are you?"

"My name is not important." You stated, taking a step back "I have dealt with many of you kind before and I won't fall for your tricks"

"I have the blessings of the Dread Father, how did you spot me?" His voice more threatening now, and you noticed his hand wrapped tight around the handle of his dagger.

"My dear, Sithis favours all his children" your smirk grew, and he wished he could wipe it off your face "Now, i know I saw you come out of that poor woman's house, I know the Brotherhood cannot afford that. But i can't lose my life over it, so I'll bid you farewell. I promise I won't mutter a word" you gave a step back.

"This won't be the last time you see me" He threatened, but you knew better.

"I know" you said, a quick wink towards him which visibly took him aback. And you ran past the door behind you.

He climbed out of the window quickly yet when he was finally outside, you were gone. It was now just him and the moonlight, and a cold emptiness in his heart.

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