[ Ancano x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ What ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

As the newest addition to the College of Winterhold, everyone made a point to be kind to you, from the professors to your classmates and even the Archmage. Hell, even Enthir was kind to you, and he was one weird elf.

Well. Everyone but one man. One Mer.

Ancano, the extremely shady Advisor everyone thought was suspicious. The first time you met went somewhat strange, you'd walked towards him to present yourself, like a normal person with kindness and common sense does, and he had pushed past you with pride and even made a point to brush his clothes.


Instead of being angry and bitter about it, however, you decided to make a point and push him too. Every time you two passed each other's side. Every. Single. Time.

You said his name to acknowledge his presence first, and then smashed against him as hard as you could. It was pretty funny to watch his disgruntled expression and sheer, pure anger as he regained his balance. Once he had even tripped over his Thalmor robes and fell face first into the snow. He was lucky you were the only one present, but had to endure your not so subtle laughter for a complete day.

You were absolutely convinced he hadn't fried you with shock spells for the sole reason that the Archmage liked you enough, and he didn't want to get in trouble with Savos Aren for that would hinder his totally evil plan. Or something.

Truly, the only thing you knew was that whatever he was planning wasn't good, but that didn't stop you from absolutely bullying the poor banana elf.

One time, however, he was way ahead of you. You were peacefully walking towards the Hall of Elements, trying to memorize the schools of magic for Tolfdir's damn test, when you felt a very long person pin you to the back of the statue of Shalidor.

"WHAT is your problem with me, you scum!? I WILL kill you if you interfere with my business!" He whispered, getting close to your face. Very close.

You smirked "Are we about to kiss right now?"

It was pretty funny to see him stutter and step back, releasing you from his grip. You fell on the snow and got up quickly, brushing your robes.

"Okay, okay, listen. What about you and I begin again." You extended your hand towards him and presented yourself. He shook your hand. "Good. Now, to calm the waters between us now, how about we go to the tavern next Fredas? Drinks on me"

He seemed to evaluate your proposal, ever so proudly.

"We may. However, KNOW that I don't drink that putrid water you call mead, or eat your strange dull foods or..-"

You booped his nose, silencing him with a wink.

"See you there"

And with that, you left the dumbfounded Altmer standing in the cold.

You also passed your test.

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