[ Alduin x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Only Human ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Dragonborn, they called you.

A beacon of hope for man and merkind, might and magic united to save the world from this Kalpa's end, the hero of legends that would bring peace into Nirn once again.

He couldn't believe the world thought that such a puny thing would ever get to defeat him. Him, the World Eater, the first born of Akatosh, the king of dragons, a god. You were but a mere mortal, that you were able to learn and wield the Voice meant nothing.

It was hilarious.


But here you were.

Sitting right beside him after you wounded him severely. You played with a dagger in your hand, your gaze staggeringly amused as he breathed heavily, feeling this body of his getting weaker by the second. A hum came from you, and you disappeared from his sight, only for him to feel soft hands caressing his scales, casting light Restoration spells onto his wounds.

"What do you think you're doing, Mortal?" His voice boomed angrily, shaking the terrain and trees and scaring the critters around.

"Shut up, Dovah" you said, voice stern.

Annoying, pestering, hopeless mortal.

He let out a groan. Feeling his body recovering, stronger with the second, he thought that if he rolled you'd be crushed under him like the damn insect you were. But he didn't, those stupid feelings kept him from killing you, the emotions that one of his kind shouldn't be feeling, those that made his gut churn with acid and his head hurt.


You smirked at his quiet form. Despite being a mighty dragon or whatever, he was like a stubborn kid. So much power bestowed upon a beast that behaved pathetically, he couldn't even kill you when he had you at his mercy. That, to you, was hilarious. So long you wondered why would you heal him. You too, were behaving pathetically as well, not slitting the throat of your enemy when you had him right under your hand. You could easily throw a dagger into his eye from this position, you thought, snickering to yourself.

But you didn't.

Because despite what the world thought, what you were meant to be, you knew that if he hadn't come back you'd be nothing. You'd be some nobody, farming crops at your parents' farm... Or more realistically, you'd be dust, rotting in some shallow grave near Helgen after having your head chopped off by the Imperials.

Alduin had saved your life.

Whether he wanted it or not, and now you were a renowned hero, riches and power were right at the flick of your hand. You wondered if things would return to normalcy once you've killed him, if you'd return to your home province to reap some lettuce and forget about all of the dungeons, monsters, dragons, all of the scars both in your body and mind left by battles and war and death.

In a sense you didn't want to. You didn't want this to end.

Sure, some new enemy could appear bit honestly you've grown fond of your encounters with Alduin, you both battles often... Or just shit talked each other. There were some curious, quiet moments as well when you could enjoy his stories of other dimensions and previous worlds, where you could watch the sky and feel at ease even with everything going on.

You climbed down his back and stepped into his line of sight again, a shit eating grin on your features.

Horrible, stupid mortal.

"Why would you heal me!? I would rather bleed out than live by your hand!" He exclaimed, rising to his feet and taking a few steps towards you.

You only unsheathed your bow and pointed an arrow right into his eye for a whole minute, before lowering your weapon and grinning wider.

"Tough luck, lizard" you said and sheathed your weapon. "You should thank me, honestly"

Suddenly you felt your body being thrown against a tree. He crushed you against its trunk with his tail, almost breaking the wood behind you. The air inside your lungs left your body, maybe you'd have one or two broken bones. You thought that you had maybe underestimated Alduin, and this was truly your end.

"Never" he whispered, a sheer whisper that made leaves and stone tremble.

"Finally going to kill me, Hm?" You spoke, aloud, as he stared down at you and lowered his tail, leaving you to slide down the tree trunk and stand on your own feet, although unstable.

Alduin didn't answer, his eyes just softened when your hand met his head, caressing him softly, with the care of a lover. His heart skipped a beat.

"I knew you wouldn't" you whispered, low and raspy, looking at him with an expression he couldn't read at all. He nuzzled against you, giving into his thoughts and feelings, he felt nauseous but the compulsion to stay with you, close to you was unbearable. His chest rumbled when you placed a kiss on his snout "See you around, lizard".

And he watched you walk away into the sunset.

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