[ Brelyna Maryon x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Longing ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

You and her had been the best of friends since the beginning. Both of you met in the carriage that took you to the College of Winter hold and hit it off immediately, like long lost souls meant to meet one another. You both had contiguous rooms in the college, stayed up late most of the nights talking about anything and everything, stood together in class and studied together in the Arcanaeum, making each other greater in your magical feats.

That didn't change when a certain man arrived. A tall dark man in heavy armor, a person short of words and a mysterious aura, certainly a warrior or a knight or mercenary of some sort that had no care for magic as a practice. He came striding proudly one day, interrupting one of Tolfdir's classes without a care in the world and claiming to be the Dragonborn, looking for an Elder Scroll.

You leaned into J'zargo, staring at the newcomer with harsh judgement “Do you see this guy?”

The Khajiit just shrugged and stared at him too, chuckling low in a fit to ridicule the man.

Brelyna, however, seemed to be intrigued by him, even introduced herself to him, and watched him carefully when he went on his way.

And for some reason, this made your blood boil.

Much to your dismay, the so called Dragonborn joined the college –although reluctantly, he seemed to see the study of magic itself as a chore–, which meant that he would be taking some classes with you and Brelyna as well.

The dude was twice as pretentious and power hungry as J'zargo but had half his talent, and everyone else seemed to be amicable with him because he was some kind of chosen one or whatever, but you both didn't care. The Khajiit was annoyed at him because he seemed to get all the praise from professors and the Archmage with little to no effort, and you... Well. He seemed to have developed a liking to your dunmeri friend, gave her smiles and keeping her close, helped her with her spell creations and often took her to the inn and now you spent your time mostly alone. It wasn't long until you saw them hold hands, greet each other with small pecks on the lips, call each other pet names... This all filled you with a dread you couldn't quite pinpoint, a pit in your stomach, a cold rage.

You rationalized your feelings quickly and decided you were just looking out for your friend. This Dragonborn dude was bad news and you didn't want him to hurt her, or for her to experience heartbreak.

Yeah, that must be it.

You felt bad for watching them, kind of like a stalker, but you justified it by just wanting Brelyna to be safe. The absolute anger you felt when they began having arguments. Who would even argue with Brelyna? She was wise and kind and the points she was making were fair.

“Of course she doesn't want to go fight a dragon with you, fucking moron. She doesn't want to burn to death just yet” you whispered to yourself, watching them shout at each other for the third time this week.

When she pushed him away and walked away between sobs, pettiness and a desire for revenge took over you. You stared at your palms and smirked.

At first it was just small things, like tripping wire on his door or freezing his soup with your magic. It soon escalated to exploding runes wherever he wanted to step in, or chaurus eggs beneath his bedsheets, that ended up hatching when he was asleep and bit him. He had to spend a week under Colette's care so he would not die.

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