[ Lucien Lachance x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Midnight˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He always arrived past midnight.

You knew, even with a foot already in somnolence. His movements were swift and he moved under the shadows with a wraith like grace, it would've been impossible to hear for another person. But now you knew. You always knew.

Today, however, something was...
... wrong.

His breathing was elaborate and his steps were way too heavy for it to be him. For a second you felt fright for your own life, for maybe it was not him, but these fears subsided when you turned around and saw it was indeed him, hunched a little bit, with his arm around his stomach. And in the darkness you could not see much yet after years of being with the Brotherhood you couldn't mistake the metallic stench of blood coming from him.

Rising from your bed and with your slumber already shaken off, you rushed to his aid, he sat on your bed and removed his garments, now with his bare skin in the cold of the night. As you lit up a fire you realized that the wounds he had were deeper that you'd thought they would be, less like a mild inconvenience and more like a worry.

“Damnit, Lucien, how did this happen?” You whispered, cleaning up his wound with a damp cloth.

“Mountain lion. Took me by surprise on my way here” He voiced, flinching slightly at the pain your healing was causing.

You stood up to take a potion from your drawer. With skeptical eyes, you looked at him.

“You never get distracted. Plus, you can't convince me THOSE are from a mountain lion” You pointed at him, frowning. And as you sat in front of him again, he looked down. Was he embarrassed?.

He sighed deeply, looking at you with doe eyes. “You always see right through me”

You smirked, “For a Dark Brotherhood assassin, you're terrible at lying to me”

You both chuckled and stayed silent for a while. You worked oh so quickly and efficiently, tending to his wounds with an anointment a d finally wrapping up his torso with some clean bandages.

“So? How did you do that to yourself” You said, your tone more demanding than questioning, with your arms crossed.

He smiled slightly, reaching for his robes and pulling out a beautiful necklace from his pocket. Silver with a red gem on the front, it was discrete enough for someone with your occupation, yet still mesmerizing. You smiled and bit your lip, looking at him incredulously.

“Lucien... Why?”

He took it from your hands and out it around your neck delicately, and the feeling of his hands brushing your skin sent shivers down your spine.

“A token for my loyalty and love”, he said in an aloof way, and you wondered if he meant what you thought he meant.

You face fell slightly, and you felt confused
. “Wow. Does every speaker do this with their Silencer?”

He looked at you with sunken eyes, laughing bitterly. Although before you knew it, his lips were hard against yours, with his hands grabbing at your shoulders rather desperately.


Almost out of oxygen, you both parted and looked at each other's eyes. His looked slightly red in the firelight, it was beautiful.

“I love you.”

He said, brushing your cheek with his hands. You laughed girlishly, grabbing his hand and kissing his palm, you chest and face warm from his words.

“I love you too, Lucien. I love you too”.

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