[ Revyn Sadri x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Peace ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

The air was cold and heavy as you arrived at the Grey Quarter.

It was always like that. The place had a perpetual feeling of danger in it's air, and you knew it wasn't it's inhabitants the ones who made it this way. It was ironic that the city's locals were the ones actively making this place a worse one.

Tired footsteps took you through the smell of alcohol and the sound of laughter to the store where your beloved resided. You lived a hectic life but that didn't mean you didn't stop every once in a while to visit the one you loved. The only person worth loving, as the dunmer had put it and, frankly, he couldn't be more right. With your spare key you opened the wooden door and walked inside, silently, as it was late at night and you didn't want to disturb his sleep.

Turning to the left you took in the smell of homemade food, the fire crackling softly in the corner. You saw his sleeping form, curled up in the bed, and smiled softly. For so long you waited for this moment, all those days travelling back to Windhelm in the cold, inhospitable weather of Skyrim. . . All those days were definitely worth it.

Stripping down from your armor to more comfortable clothing you crawled into his bed, next to him.

"Welcome back" he said, startling you a little with his raspy voice.

"I thought you were sleeping"

He chuckled and turned towards you, a smug grin in his ashen features. "I heard you coming. The armor you chose today wasn't particularly silent. It clangs"

"Well I'm sorry" You whispered with annoyance, smirking back at him "It was a dragon I had to fight today, and I didn't want to die"

"Tsk, dragons! You should be helping me carry the merchandise to the store, not fighting some lizard"

You slapped his arm "Then I'll go sell their bones to the market tomorrow! Niranye was going to give me seven hundred for each one so. . ."

You stopped talking when you felt his red eyes piercing your skull. It was your turn to give him a shit eating grin.

"Don't you dare" He threatened, and you ran your fingers through his soft hair.

With a kiss to his chapped lips, and a boop to the nose, you spoke again. "Then shut the fuck up. And go back to sleep, love"

He begrudgingly did.


He's charming :]

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