[ Martin Septim x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Is it love? ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Him and a group of men rushed out of the gate, carrying victims both alive and dead, with blood on their weapons and a heavy heart. The small drizzle that fell from the skies only served to wash the ashes from his skin, but it didn't wash away his concern.

Martin had decided to join one of your battles with few other soldiers, in order to close one particular Oblivion gate that was terrorizing the inhabitants of Bruma and it's outskirts. After rescuing numerous hostages and recovering bodies –not without horrible, bloody fights either–, him and the group of valiant men and women for out of the Plane of Oblivion to tend to their wounds, while you continued to the towers in order to close the gate once and for all.

It was absolutely not the first time you'd done this. You were the revered Hero of Kvatch, the one chosen to carry these feats yet, after seeing that place where even the flora was hostile, with its seething lakes and unbreathable air, and the lesser daedra that were out for blood at every corner, the priest couldn't help but feel a deep concern. A knot formed in his throat, what if this time was different?, He thought, clutching the fabric of his robes, right above where his heart was.

And so he waited.

The others helped the victims reach the temple, or went to scout the region for any stray daedra, but he could not look away.

He could not tear his eyes from that gate, Its flames were still burning the grass around and the skies were still red and you were not walking out. The stone was still upright, that vortex of crimson was not closing, and you still hadn't walked out,  and he didn't know if you were, he found himself shaking, wanting to lunge inside that door and carry you out himself yet, maybe another minute, maybe you'd come out at any moment, you had to.

A realization hit him in the worst of moments that, he could never bear to lose you.

With a booming thunder the stone crumbled, a ray of cursed fire shot out to the sky and all the blood red air dissipated. The rain was now stronger, soaking everything in it's step and. . . And there you were, smiling at him like you always did, with your finger wrapped around a sigil stone, and he could finally breathe again.

But your steps were lethargic, visibly painful, it was only then that he noticed the blood running down your side, staining your armor, s deadly river that could end your life.

You collapsed.

The last thing that you felt was his arms wrapping around you, before all went black.

. . .

You awoke in a soft woolen mattress in what you recognized as Cloud Ruler Temple, a small window revealing a starry night. And even if your lungs were still scorched with smoke and the skin under the bandages was still burning, you felt cleaner, and a lot better. Feeling a hand clasped tightly around yours, you looked down to meet the sleeping form of Martin, and you felt a tired smile tug at the corners of your lips.

You thought he looked so peaceful. Adorable, even.

“Rise and shine!!” You rasped out, squeezing his hand softly until he stirred in his sleep and woke up to look at you, wide eyed.

“You're awake” He smiled and sat on the edge of your bed, closer to you.

“Duh. How long have I been out?”

“Day and a half. You lost a lot of blood” His voice was filled with concern and even if it broke your heart to make I'm feel that way, you felt flattered.

“Woah. That's a lot I'm sorry” You turned to meet his soft, kind gaze with slightly furrowed eyebrows “It's just that there was one of those bitch ass Xivilai, and he stabbed me with his claymore! Don't worry he got what he deserved, I kicked him off the tower and he fell on the lava so-”

You stopped when you saw his horrified face. He hated how casually you seemed to be talking about this.

“You could have died” He voiced, still calm and kind as he always was but with a hint of anger twinkling in his eyes. Now that was scary.

“But i didn't” you said in a sheepish whisper.

Oh how he wanted to smack your face right now. He stared at you for what seemed like a whole minute, thinking of ways to take away that smugness from your face. How reckless can you be? One thing was being confident in your abilities and another was being completely unhinged.

“Do you have a death wish?” his voice was now severe, almost scolding, making you dink in the mattress a little bit more.

“What, you're worried about me?” You wriggled your eyebrows, giving him a grin. Which kinda. . . Backfired.



His hand wrapped around yours, and you were getting nervous

“I said, yes”

And suddenly you felt his lips against yours. He moved them gracefully and gently, and you happily kissed back, softly caressing his messy hair. Reluctantly parting ways, his kind brown eyes met yours, and his calloused warm hand caressed your cheek.

“Promise me you will be more careful from now on”

“. . . I promise”

He sighed and kissed your forehead, getting up and walking towards the door.

“I'll get you something to eat, hold on” but before he walked out he stopped in his tracks and called your name.

“Hm?” you acknowledged his voice.

“I love you”

And so, he walked out. You bit your lip with a smile and sighed. Maybe you should continue on living after all, maybe there was way more than what you've seen in your adventures.

“I love you too, Martin. I love you too”


This was another request. I don't know if I should tag them or not because it was private but i hope you like it!!! I love him so much and I want to learn how to write him better so this was helpful and so much fun to create ^^

I love you all ·ᴗ·ꕤ

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