[ Miraak x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Beyond The Veil ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He had forgotten how life was beyond Apocrypha, beyond his thoughts of self adoration. He'd always thought he was a chosen one, someone so perfect that a Daedric Prince so important and powerful like Hermamora had deemed him worthy of his presence, of his trust. But that wavered when he found out about your existence.

He had felt it right after you survived Helgen; a sense of dread, a wind of change. You had definitely not been the only one but you had been a driving force; even without a weapon you had saved lives and escaped without major injury, a feat difficult to survive, especially against Alduin.

His suspicions were confirmed once you had travelled to Bleak Falls Barrow, when you learned the knowledge that should've taken you centuries to learn, in seconds. He was Dragonborn, not you, he repeated to himself even when you had absorbed Mirmulnir's soul and gave your first shout, he denied the truth for his worst fears had now come true.

He couldn't understand how you did things so perfectly, how you brandished your weapons so precisely, how you helped those in need yet knew how and when to strike to kill, you had a natural love and gift for anything you set yourself to do, and it seemed that you would indeed be the one to stop the end of the world.

And he'd be the one to bring it back.


The first time he showed up in front of you and stolen your dragon souls, he had watched your eyes be filled by surprise, but never the anger he had expected to see. You were taken aback yet still asked him about himself, still listened to his rather hostile presentation. And still laughed and continued your journey.

He always boasted to you about how he'd take a shorter time doing everything, how it'd be easy for him to defeat Alduin, he'd steal your dragon souls and tease you in whatever stage of your journey you were. Yet you didn't care. You acted like it was a hindrance, an annoyance you could overcome. You knew you could easily go and slay another dragon if you wanted to, and he hated that you didn't react as much as he wanted you to.

Once you had defeated the World Eater you began a quest against him. Overconfident as he was, there was something gnawing in the back of his mind, stronger every time you got a black book and defeated one of his cultists. You were in his mind at all times, and he spent days hating you, growing stronger to finally surpass you and he knew it was enough, but he couldn't ever stop.

And now you stood in the plains of Apocrypha, still in front of him, with a reassuring smile upon your face. You didn't even have your weapon drawn, for fuck's sake.

"We don't have to do this, Miraak" you gaze faltered for a second, looking at the skies above, where Hermaeus Mora's infinite and horrible form was. "You could come back, with me"

"Why would I?" His voice boomed back, but he didn't attack "I have everything here. Power, knowledge, his trust. Why would I want to abandon it, Dragonborn!?"

"You're nothing but a human at the mercy and usage of a Daedra" you said, and his eyes widened behind his mask, "I've been in that situation, and wouldn't do it again"

The first time he saw your exterior break was in that moment, a feeling of dread coming from the Daedric Prince up above. He was amused, perhaps angered, but it didn't keep you from opening the black book and extending your hand towards him.

And he didn't know how and why but he did step towards you, he thought you had a spell on him, or a seed of doubt in his mind growing unstoppably now. It all happened so quickly, a black tentacle shot up from the floor below, ready to attack Miraak for even daring to look past Hermamora's infinite gaze. You put a ward spell up, taking the whole blow instead of him, and after all of that everything was a blur to you.

When you finally saw clearly again, you were back in Solstheim, in a place you could point to be close to Raven Rock. He hovered over you with a hand shining gold with a restoration spell. You smiled at him and placed a hand on this mask, "Told you. This world is much better than being stuck in his realm"

"He'll try to get back at us, you know it, Dragonborn" his voice remained stoic, yet a smirk made its way to your lips when you felt him hold your hand.

"We'll fight back. He can't come full force to us from Oblivion" You looked up at the starry night sky you had missed so much. A sigh left your lips as you tried not to succumb to the injury that blow had caused you.

"You're right, Dragonborn. Right now let's get you healed." He lifted you up in his arms with ease and your young mind couldn't help but feel flustered. Your smile grew wider as you looked up at him, your face redder than a tomato.

"Ey, Miraak" He looked back at you, questioning "You should ditch that mask if you don't want to scare everyone off"

He pondered for a minute and took it off, securing it to his belt and looking back at you, a scowl in his handsome scar ridden face. You could get lost in those wise eyes, glowing bright with the same light that shone in Apocrypha.

You laughed. This would go well.

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