[ Martin Septim x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Sometimes ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

It was never easy. Ever since you got out of that prison cell, nothing had been easy. Of course, you did prefer waking up in the middle of a forest, under the sunlight instead of listening to Valen Dreth complaining about the rotting rat in the middle of his cell. Yet still you found yourself to be absolutely exhausted.

So, Cloud Ruler Temple was always a safe haven for the times you wanted to rest from it all. The Blades aleays welcomed you among them and you got to spend some time with Martin.

Oh, Martin. He was someone you had grown fond of over time. It had begun as a rescue task but over time it quickly developed into a friendship, he confided in you and you on him. You admired how he had been through so much darknessin his life yet he remained kind, supportive to those in need, serene. His kindness began to rub off on you.

Halfway through your hike towards the Temple you found yourself smiling widely, your cheeks getting a rosy tint to them. Shaking your girlish grin off your face, you continued through the path, eventually reaching the Temple in an exhausted walk.

As you walked in, you were welcomed by the Blades who guarded its gates, friendly smiles upon their faces. The Hero of Kvatch, they saw. You let out a bittersweet sigh, they didn't even know your name. You greeted them and scanned the place with your gaze, to see if you could find what you ultimately thought as your only friend.

It took you long enough, you found them sitting the stairwell, gazing at the snowfall with a serene smile on his lips. . . And he was talking with someone. Your heart fell as you watched them laugh at what he said, the way their head leaned into his shoulder, the small touches they gave to his arm. . .

Martin's gaze turned and met yours, your heart skipping a bit when you saw his eyes light up, getting up from his position and whispering something to his companion before making his way to you.

You couldn't help but embrace him when he was close enough, gently so you wouldn't hurt him with your armor.

“I've missed you” you whispered while letting go, feeling the burning gaze of the Blade he was with a minute ago, drilling holes on your form.

Martin's smile became wider, “It certainly was the same for me”

You smiled, determined to spend as much time with him as you could.

Yet that proved to be unbearable for you. It was like a stab to the chest when his friend showed any kind of affection towards him. And you've been stabbed in the vest numerous times before. You tried to remain calm and collected, making the best of your time here yet the more that you thought about it, it was more evident that what you felt for Martin was more than just friendly fondness.

There was a moment when it became too much, especially after the realization that you indeed loved Martin Septim, that you had to excuse yourself and went to the room you always stayed at.

Plopping into the mattress, some tears trickled down your face yet your face remained blank, monotone. Was it too late? Why hadn't you realized sooner?.

It was a rather short time before you heard a knock on your door, Martin's voice coming from the other side. Honestly you didn't know if you could see him right now but then again. He was your friend, you weren't about to be rude to him or something.

“Come in”

He walked slowly into your room, the same smile upon his face, and closed the door behind him. Scanning your features with his gaze, he sat next to you in the bed, eyes fixated on yours.

“You were acting. . . Rather strange today. Distant. Is there something wrong?” He voiced with such concern that you felt your heart melt. You smiled, and sat up from your position.

The air had a bittersweet taste as you debated wether or not to tell him.

You hummed, Uhm. . . Your friend. They're nice, aren't they?”

“Yes, they are. I'm glad I found them, it was getting lonely in your absence” He nodded and a shiver ran down your spine.

“Well, I'm. . . I'm glad. I hope they. . . They make you happy” you said, sincerely. But your body betrayed you as tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to come out.

It took Martin some time before the realization hit him.

“You think we're. . . . Oh no, no, it's not like that. I can't, I'm a priest” He nodded, rather enthusiastic.

Well, that was definitely worse. Now you were full on crying. Realization hit him again and he mentally scolded himself.

“Wait. . . You ..?” He couldn't help the bewilderment in his eyes. You smiled through your sadness and nodded.

He whispered something, you looked when you felt his hand on top of yours. Your breath caught in your throat as he planted a kiss on your forehead, before cupping your face and leaning towards you, towards you lips.

“Wait. Didn't you say you're a priest?”

He smiled, “Shh. . .”

And you felt his soft lips pressed against yours, gently moving with care and passion.

He parted slightly, looking into your eyes. “I love you, too.”

You giggled, closing the gap between you once again.


Holy shit, that's a lot of reads. Thank you so much, guys, i love you!!! I honestly didn't expect this amount of support.  Or anything for that matter lmao.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。
Request away if you'd like, I'm open to anything !!

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