[ Elenwen x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Wrong ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"News from the South?"

"Fleet of spies was caught crossing the Border, they had contact with the rebels in Valenwood"

She hummed. Her voice was ever commanding even in the smallest gestures.  Deep, melodious, proud.

"News from the traitor?"

"She and her partner were caught nearing Morthal. They'll be sent to the block first hour on Morndas."

"What about Ulfric?"

"Seems to be silent, stagnant for now. He's probably planning something. I already sent my watcher to Windhelm to inquire about that"

She watched you pace, side to side a few meters in front of her as you told her about the things you had found on the past week. She hoped, fervently, that you wouldn't notice her intense gaze, or the incessant licking of her tongue against her lips. She detailed your form as well as she could; your Thalmor robes hugged your body in the right places, hair was neat and braided, you smelled like snowberries and deadly nightshade,  and looked absolutely regal. Seeing you like this made her think that maybe she could spare a little moment of mischief.

"News about you?"

You turned at the sound of her voice, gaze inquisitive. Her heart sunk for a second. Then you grinned, knowing exactly what she was trying to do, turning to her and placing the palms of your hands on the desk behind you.

"I'm doing quite good myself, ma'am"

And she thought she could see –with wishful eyes– how you looked her up and down as you spoke with your silvery voice.

That damn charm.

The one that got you into the ranks of the Thalmor even if you weren't part of Alinor's most ancient bloodlines. The one that made it easy for you to be liked, for you to wriggle into courts and kingdoms without even being so little as noticed. The one that got you embedded into her heart's very skin.

"Thank you, [Y/N]. You're dismissed for now"

She watched you bow deeply before leaving her behind, and once you were out of her solarium she heaved a pained sigh that she had been restraining for half an hour.

It wasn't just desire anymore, it was longing. And not only longing anymore, but love.


You had noticed.

Not only the licking and staring but the clenching of her fists and the frustration that contorted her beautiful, angular face into a frown. It elated you to know that you had someone as commanding and authoritative as Elenwen wrapped around your finger. You also would die for her after all.

It wasn't wrong but frowned upon. Seen as a distraction from the Altmer's ultimate godly purpose.

But alas, you were all mortal nonetheless. And you wanted more.

You were her eyes; watchful of every corner of the province, her hands; to strike and draw blood where she couldn't reach, you were her voice; unyielding and threatening to those who called themselves allies and foes. You were her most trusted asset, made for each other like hand and glove. The Thalmor would've never reached the levels that it had without you both working like gears to make it so. But you also longer forbthe day those eyes would stare at your naked form, her hands against your chilled skin, her voice repeating your name.

Maybe it could happen but neither you or her were brave enough.


"You and I should... go back to my quarters. And you can get a taste of my.." you flicked Eldorn's forehead. His speech was slurred and he reeked of mead, it disgusted you to the damn core.

"Silence, soldier. Unless you want to lose your other eye" You hoped that calmed down his annoying stance, but alas nothing would ever diminish a drunk man's bravery.

"No need... to be so serious all the time, dear... dear Advisor. You know you want..." He finally shut up when he noticed your annoyance had turned to worry, and your eyes were trained intently on some point in front of you.

"Silence" you now whispered, scurrying away towards the lower floors. He stood there, dumbfounded, not having noticed the figure sneaking towards the Solarium in the middle of the night.


Your footsteps were light, although your heart was about to pound out of your chest. You had noticed a slight disruptance on the snow, right outside the Solarium where your embassador slept, unaware. Someone with a chameleon spell on, you figured, someone who couldn't mean well. You were never much of a fighter, you were always the mind and strategy of the situation. Still you held a tiny dagger –one usually employed to open letters– in between your trembling fingers as you stepped towards and into the Solarium.

Everything was shrouded in absolute shadow. Past one or two candles in a few corners, not even the moons seemed to light your path. You, however,  knew this place like the palm of your hand, and slowly creeped towards the upstairs. You attempted your best to hide the heavy breathing that wanted to come out of your mouth.

A grunt was heard from Elenwen's quarters.


You bolted towards that place, pushing the door almost out of its hinges, and without a second thought lunged at the person that so strongly pinned Elenwen down to her her mattress, hand raised to strike her with a dagger.

The assailant had no time to react before you were already slashing and stabbing at his body, he tried to defend himself and managed to land a few scratches on you, but your rage seemed unquenchable, it seemed to fuel your every movement. It wasn't long until the blood covered your face and clothes and hair, until the pained yelps were replaced by disgusting gurgling, and until he struggled no more. In front of you lied a Nord, unrecognizable as you had butchered every single part of his face. It took you a moment to catch your breath and get up.

"You..." you took a deep breath and finally turned to Elenwen, who stood at the side of the bed, stunned "You alright?"

The sheer informality of your voice caught hern off guard. It was the first time she had seen you worried, and your concern was all directed towards her. She stared at your form, barely lit by the torches in the room, bathed in red by not so innocent blood.

She felt a pang in her heart. What if she had been here alone? If no one would've noticed the one coming for her throat? You had saved her life.

It didn't matter that your face felt slippery against her fingertips, or that your lips tasted of dripping iron. It didn't matter that her heart was threatening to fail on her because of the sheer terror of moments ago. She felt alive when her lips danced along with yours.

And that's all that mattered.


Requested like u h a month ago by Weird_Booknerd 🖤 thank you so much for the patience!! Feel free to request anything ^^

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