[ Sheogorath x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Ritual ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

You had absolutely no idea what you were doing in this place.

Sure, your friend had invited you to some party and you had agreed to go but whatever this was, it wasn't a party. Or at least not a conventional one. You had expected a celebration at someone's house with food, alcohol, stories and jolly laughter around a campfire. But now you stood in the middle of nowhere with trees surrounding you, in front of a statue that you were pretty sure was looking at you, there was a buffet but you didn't trust the amorphous masses that were inside those pots, there were people fighting each other with what you were sure were slaughterfish in sticks, the campfire was a pyre around the statue that was taller than your house, there was a goat yelling somewhere close...

"Valyn!" You screamed, looking around for your friend but he was nowhere to be seen. Where the fuck did he go?. "Fuck."

The rhythm of the drums picked up and was louder and as frenzied as the ones who danced freely to it. Millions of times you thought about just going away and leaving Valyn there with his insane companions but something gnawed at the back of your brain to stay, just a little longer, a few more hours until the sunset ended and the orange faded into black. Maybe in the dark of night this whole thing would make more sense.

With a more rhythmic pace, the drums stopped all together, and you saw the people gather in a circle that encased both the pyre and the statue.

Ey, [Y/N]!” you heard Valyn call you from the circle, waving at you with a beaming smile “Come over, you'll miss the show!

The cold winds flowed and made you shiver, and despite your better judgement, you gave in. Valyn gave path to you to sand in front of him, and you felt safe close to the Dunmer as he was the only thing you were familiar with in this place.

An older woman dressed in extravagant colors stepped towards the fire, did a dance and yelled out some chants you were not sure the language of, and threw a few ingredients –you could see fire and ice salts, vampire dust, goblin ears and nightshade– into the flames before turning to the crowd and kneeling with her head down.

Thank you all, heathens and bastards, for coming, to this place of joy and praise” everyone fell silent as she cackled, and later coughed harshly. You felt bad for her for a while, until you saw her cough up some kind of gemstone. Then you were terrified again. “Behold, mad people of Tamriel. The Lord of Chaos!” the woman threw the gemstone into the fire, and its flames turned purple, burning higher and in unnatural patterns you couldn't comprehend. Everyone around erupted into a shout, similar to a battle cry, rising towards the skies and making your eardrums tender. You stepped back, but Valyn's hand on your shoulder reassured you.

Now,” she continued, spreading her arms wide “The offering

Quiet, everything was, an eerie silence as you looked around and saw no one move.

Before you knew it, however, Valyn trapped both of your arms behind you and placed a blade next to your neck. Everything went cold as tears threatened to fall down your eyes. Betrayal?.

You brought me as an offering!? What's wrong with you;?” you screamed at him, seething with anger.

Sorry” he just responded, and there was not a trace of guilt on his voice.

The drums picked up again as you were brought to the woman, who held you with immense strength meters away from the fire. You struggled against your restraints, but it was futile, your heart was pounding hard into your eardrums as you slowly tried to warm up to the fact that your death was imminent.

Now, now. Stop” you heard a booming voice, coming from nowhere and everywhere, from past the mountains and inside your head. From between the flames emerged a man, white hair that moved like he was underwater, beautiful clothing with intricate designs and a smile too kind for this kind of situation. His form was tall and surrounded by some sort of hazy glow, making him look otherworldly. When you looked into his menacing, mismatched eyes you felt like you were traversing endless tunnels of magic and despair.

Let them go, you're scaring the poor thing” he said and stepped towards you, bowing in courtesy and placing a kiss on the back of your now free hand. He saw your paralyzed state and smiled wider than his face should endure “Shh, don't worry. I don't want your blood. Care for a dance?

You looked from his hand to yours and hesitantly took it, blushing profusely as he pulled you into his form.

He rose his hand and looked to the crowd. “Rejoice, my followers, it's our day after all” and with that, the drums played a fast and joyous rhythm, and you swirled around gracefully while into the man's arms. Slowly you grew to enjoy the celebration, a smile making its way into your features. Despite everything about him being so erratic, he held you with such tenderness that you couldn't help but blush.

And it felt like an eternity, as he swayed to the festive sounds with an arm around your waist.

It was dawn when with a final twirl he stopped and let you go, arms crossed behind his back and a mischievous smirk on his face. With him, the party stopped and everyone gathered in the same circle they have been before.

Unfortunately, my followers, the celebration has ended. The blessing of madness has been bestowed upon each of you” he scanned the crowd with satisfied eyes, and then laid thes onto you and you only. “As for you, my dear...” he caressed your cheek and placed a kiss on your forehead “We will meet again, I'm sure

And with the first rays of light his form faded into smoke and the pyre went out, leaving you with a pounding heart and a desire to see him again.


He's my favorite, i don't know why I haven't written much for him ;;; sheo my beloved.

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