[ Savos Aren x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Peace ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Thunder roared around the College, a menace, an omen.

You, the professors and apprentices ran across the college, laughing as the snow hit your cold, rosy cheeks. The winds from the Sea of Ghosts were particularly brutal this week, so you were all rushing to get to the Hall of the Elements before your fingers froze.

It was long since you saw snow this strong, and thunder so relentless.

Aside from the strong charge in the air around, the College worked as normal. You practiced Wards, watched the stars, and angered Urag for sneaking out valuable books from the Arcanaeum. Everything was okay, but the Archmage.

He usually went down to watch the students learn, or be walking freely around campus. But now that you really thought about it, you haven't seen him in days.

Being rather fond of the Dunmer, you decided to pay him a visit after classes were done.

So six in the afternoon you grabbed your things, separated from your classmates and walked the stairs up to the Archmage's chambers. The thunder was so strong that even behind thick stone walls you could hear it, you found it certainly beautiful, yet threatening.

"Savos?", you called out, scanning the emptiness of the place with your eyes.

No answer.

Maybe he's too concentrated on one of his books, you thought, stepping further into his room. Typical of him. Yet your calm demeanor changed to concern when you found him curled up in his bed, wide awake as if he was hiding.

"Divines damn it!", you rushed to his side and held his trembling hands, trying to take in his appearance better.

He was unusually pale, his red eyes dull and watery, it was obvious that he hadn't eaten for days. And his skin was cold, oh so cold, that the climate outside couldn't compare. You tried to warm him up, yet he didn't take his eyes away from the wall in front of him. You began to get nervous, not knowing what to do.

You were a mage, damn it, not a healer!

You got up to fetch Colette or perhaps Mirabelle, maybe one of them knew better.

"He's out there, waiting. He's taking out the last one of us..." His whispers reached your ears. You stared at him in confusion.

Then it dawned on you. Morokei.

He had confided in you the story one time. Labyrinthian, Morokei, his lighting as loud as a thousand drums, the smell of flesh scorching, and the screams of his friends behind the ruin's walls. The storm had begun three days ago, who knows how much fear and guilt this man was in, what would have happened if you didn't decide to come today.

Your eyes softened once again, and you.ade your way towards him once again.

"There's a thunderstorm outside, Savos", you carefully put your hand on his "He's sealed far away from us, and you're in your quarters, safe..."

You sat down next to him once again, and after determining it was safe you put your head on his shoulder.

"Look around you, Savos. He can do no harm here. I am here, there's plenty of people here that care about you. The College has you"

Both of you stayed sitting in that position for a long time. Slowly his hands warmed up and his eyes finally met yours. The purples and reds around them evidenced his lack of sleep, they were tired but warm and wise again. He whispered your name and stayed silent for a while.

Letting out a sigh of relief, you embraced him, voicing your worries in silence. He sighed as well, smiling a little bit and squeezing your hand as a silent sign of gratitude.

"I'm going to get you something to eat, okay?", you said softly, getting up and walking away swiftly, only stopping when he called your name.

You turned around and gave him a quizzed look.

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

You smiled.

"Of course".



This was a little bit short, but I had lots of fun writing it!. I have a headcanon that Savos Aren has a deep fear of lightning and shock magic because of the incident with Morokei, who uses it, which could also explain his boots which are enchanted with shock resistance.

I hope you liked this ✨🖤

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