[ Serana x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Bright ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

She had a sweet spot for new things.

You've noticed that the first time she had followed you on one of your missions. Thing was, she had been... asleep for so long that she barely knew anything about the world past the doors of Castle Volkihar. Not many things had changed, but you loved seeing her bright yellow eyes light up when she found something interesting.

Camping with Serana was an odd experience, sometimes. You'd wake up in the middle of the night to find her staring at you with a hunger only explained by her vampirism, if she ever slept you'd have to dissipate her nightmares, and she refused to stay anywhere near fire, so nights were pretty cold.

You both now sat at the edge of a river, awake deep in the night. You did not really mind, you've had more than a fair amount of sleepless nights before, at least now you could spend them with good company.

You suddenly felt her gaze drilling holes into your forehead so you decided to look up, only for her to look down again. What's up with her?, You thought, frowning a little bit, but decided to push it back to the back of your mind. After a while you heard her voice.


This took you off guard, you probably looked as if you had a huge question mark above your head.

"Why what?"

She scoffed. "Why did you bring me here with you?"

Not thinking much about it, you shrugged "ah. Because I like your company, y'know? I enjoy your presence, you make all of this easier..." you frowned, "Why?."

She sighed, "Maybe I'm just a useful companion, to take care of you and nothing else."

"... You know what, you offend me Serana. I can take care of myself"

"...But you're mortal and I..-"

You quickly shushed her, flailing your hands all over the place

"SHH SHH, shut up shut up shut up, you know what? YOU prepare the tent. I'm going to bring us something to eat... Bring ME something to eat. I'll bring you SOMEONE. if I can"

Her serious look turned into a smile, joyful and sheepish, as she watched you prance away between the trees. She did the tent as best as she could, and half an hour later you returned with a bag on your hand and a smile on your face.

"LOOK, I found someone's campfire and they had left a bag of apples and some bread. I didn't find the owner, unfortunately, but we WILL kill people for you tomorrow, I promise. Does a bandit sound well? I also found ale"

You sat next to her, very proud of your findings.

"I also.. I also made you this?" you took out a flower crown from the bag, made out of multiple colored mountain flowers. "aaah, just... Just put in on." It was not as neat as you wanted it to be, because you had made it in the dark, but she smiled wide nonetheless.

"Oh, thank you so much! My mother grew this in her garden... They're so pretty, thank you!"

You smiled and took a bite out of an apple before offering her some ale. She hesitantly took the bottle and gave it a sip, her face scrunched up and you laughed loudly.

"hhhh.. You don't like it? I'll... Pfff. I'll buy you some of that fancy spiced wine next time we go to Solitude or something"

You took the bottle back and gulped down some of it, looking up at the stars. Three bottles down the alcohol started to take a toll on you and you laid down carelessly.

"you... You know what?.... I also brought you because you are veeery pretty..."

She looked at you with confusion and you really thought her eyes looked like the stars above you, even more stunning than them. She worried about her cheeks flushing or something, then she remembered her body couldn't do that anymore.

"Oh, really?"

"Aye... I... I think I love you...."



You finally had fallen asleep with a deep breath, next to her and far away from your bedroll. She smiled, kissed your forehead and waited next to you until the morning.

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